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Pet Sematary & Misery Book Redesign


To design two paperback book covers that thematically convey the essence of each story. These covers should incorporate styling, fonts, imagery, and layout that collectively support the novel. The objective is to articulate the emotion, mood, and tone of each book through a cohesive and specific design that resonates with the story.

Book Choices

Selected two Stephen King books – "Pet Sematary" for its melancholic narrative and "Misery" for its distressing and shocking storyline.
Colour Palette

Pet Sematary: 
Utilized a dark blue color palette to convey a somber and melancholic atmosphere. Red accents were sparingly employed for emphasis on crucial elements, maintaining the horror genre association.

Franklin Gothic Medium: Used for the title text to maintain a Stephen King aesthetic. The all-capitalized sans serif font added weight and prominence.

Dead Font Walking: Employed for the title text in Pet Sematary, with extended and morphed characters for an ominous touch.

Numans: Chosen for the paragraph text, providing contrast and readability.
Pet Sematary Book Development​​​

The goal was to avoid clichés like cemeteries and cats on the cover. Instead, the focus was on illustrating the central theme: a father's tragic attempt to bring loved ones back to life, influenced by a Wendigo.

Book Cover: 
The illustration features a vectorized image of the creator mimicking holding a body in a forest. A haunting wendigo face subtly blends into the background. Grave markers, mist, and layered trees complete the atmospheric design.

Book Spine: 
Maintaining consistency, the spine includes the author and title text, fitting seamlessly into a collection of similarly designed books.

Book Back: 
A cat collar on the ground subtly alludes to key events. The summary, highlighted quote, testimonial, and publisher's details create a comprehensive back cover, enriched with textures and gradients.
Colour Palette

Opted for a lighter color palette to subvert typical horror expectations and reflect the protagonist's false sense of rescue. The lighter colors tie into the deceptive nature of the narrative.

Franklin Gothic Medium: Used for the title text to maintain a Stephen King aesthetic. The all-capitalized sans serif font added weight and prominence.

Linotype: Used for the title text and back cover text in Misery, complementing the typewriter theme and contrasting with the sans serif author font.

Source Sans Pro: Selected for testimonials, publishing information, and subtitle text for its contrast and readability.
Misery Book Development​​​

Contrasting with "Pet Sematary," this cover uses a daytime setting and a lighter color palette to subvert horror expectations in line with the story.

Book Cover: 
The design revolves around capturing the horror present in a remote house during a snowstorm. The twisted title font and detailed illustration of the antagonist, Annie, add depth. Wheelchair tracks in red lead to ominous outcomes.

Book Spine: 
Consistency is maintained with the same placement of author, title, and publisher details, aligning with the thematic collection.

Book Back: 
Featuring a typewriter close-up stained with blood, the back cover effectively incorporates the typewriter theme. The subtitle, testimonial, and publisher's information complete the design, creating a compelling visual and narrative connection.
Pet Sematary & Misery Book Redesign

Pet Sematary & Misery Book Redesign

To create two paperback book covers that thematically emit the concept of each story. These covers should have styling, fonts, imagery, and a lay Read More
