Accordion Book 
Fall 2019
Typography I
8″ x 8″
For the accordion book project, I had to use the information from Megg’s History of Graphic Design. People has interacted with each other through visual communication. It is just “how” it has changed over time. From this accordion book, learn how we started from animal drawings on the cave walls to alphabets in digital devices. 

The concept for this project is a LP music album because people still like to collect and listen to LP music although they are “outdated” in the 21st century. Cave drawings, illuminated manuscripts, and movable types are old, but we still appreciate and learn about them. As we use emojis when we send messages in mobile devices, we may be communicating like we did even before 4000 BCE, using just “images” to communicate... 
디자인 역사, 특히 타이포그래피 역사를 아코디언 북으로 만들었습니다. 기록의 역사는 언어의 발달로 많이 발전하였지만, 다시 벽화 그림으로 소통하던 시절처럼 이모티콘으로도 소통하는 현대인들의 모습을 LP판으로 표현하였습니다. 아직 아날로그를 찾는 현대인들의 모습이 과거와 평행 하는 디자인 역사와 비슷하다고 느꼈습니다.

모든 정보는 Megg’s History of Graphic Design 에서 발췌하였습니다.
Accordion Book


Accordion Book
