Lan Sahagun's profile

WORKERS: a depiction of labor

Perhaps, we are too comfortable living in our bubble that we fail to notice these people, the workers

—and to even understand that they may not love their work, 
unlike us, proud and secured. 

For them, work is to make ends meet, 
and to not work for a day means an empty stomach. ​​​​​​​
A construction worker may have built countless homes for years and yet, he still doesn't have his own, let alone rent a decent one.

If there is something good about this system it is in alienating workers. 

A driver cannot afford a car, a waiter who hasn't tasted a steak, a security personnel whose family lives in constant danger, a farmer with a few rice to divide for six hungry mouths.  
They grow old working. 

Their job is a thief that took away their passion for things they truly wanted to pursue, their time when they are supposed to stay beside their children, 

their happiness, freedom, 

and their youth. 
WORKERS: a depiction of labor

WORKERS: a depiction of labor
