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Kapalbhati Pranayama: Benefits and Precautions

Kapalbhati Pranayama: Benefits and Precautions

Kapal Bhati is one of the five pranayamas (yogic breathing exercises). It is a breathing technique that focuses on exhaling forcefully and inhaling passively. During the practice, focus is on exhaling. This differentiates kapalbhati from other pranayamas.

It is often performed as a part of the routine yoga practice sequence, either at the end or at the beginning of the practice to relax and rejuvenate the body.  Kapalbhati is primarily performed to flush toxins out of the body and fill it with abundant oxygen. This helps calm our minds, improve memory, and increase concentration.  Many research studies suggest that doing kapalbhati also improves our immunity. 

A calm, focused mind has always been a need for us, but the ongoing pandemic has made it even more important for us to find mental peace. Living in the pandemic has taken a toll on our minds and made us more anxious than before. Most of us have never faced so much uncertainty and indecisiveness. Good news: Kapalbhati can help us.

 Benefits of Kapalbhati

 Practicing kapalbhati has several health benefits, including:

 - Relieving stress
 - Clearing mind and building better body-mind connection
 - Improved immunity
 - Increases oxygen and detoxifies the blood
 - Improve digestion
 - Improved blood flow and brings glow on the face
 - Helps in burning body fat and trimming down belly fat
 - Improved sleep
 - Helps in reducing diabetes

Kapalbhati is good for many reasons. However, it should be practiced with caution in many cases, including -

-If you’re a menstruating woman because it stretches the abdomen
-If you’re a pregnant woman
-If you have hernia or epilepsy, you should avoid kapalbhati
-If you have cardiovascular problems or hypertension, practice under the  supervision of a certified yoga practitioner
-If you have a pacemaker; avoid completely
-If you have asthma or any respiratory disorder, do it with complete caution
-If you have ulcers or any gastrointestinal problems
-If you have a slipped disc; avoid it completely as it may cause extreme pain in the back

All in all, kapalbhati relaxes your body in more ways than you may imagine. 

How to perform kapalbhati

 1. To perform kapalbhati, seat in Vajrasana or Sukhasana and make sure your back is straight.
 2. Place your right hand on your stomach
 3. Then, close your eyes and take a deep breathe
 4. Now exhale forcefully in small bouts rapidly. So, your abdominal muscles (tummy) are pushed inward. As your abdominal muscles relax, inhalation will occur naturally.
 5. Do 20 bouts to complete one cycle. If you can do more, go on.
 6. At the end of the practice, you will have more energy and a calmer mind. 

 Kapalbhati is an advance pranayama. So, chances are you may find it difficult to perform in the beginning. If it’s so, try doing simpler forms of pranayama such as anulom vilom, etc.  Once you’re comfortable doing other pranayama, try kapalbhati to reap more benefits.

Kapalbhati Pranayama: Benefits and Precautions


Kapalbhati Pranayama: Benefits and Precautions
