Reed Lewis's profile

the Importance of Limitations

The Importance of Limitations
Presented by Reed Lewis
Working within limits can be difficult. Whether they be imposed by one's self or those around them, limitations can feel like a stunt in a growth.

This assignment, for me at least, felt like one riddled with limitations. From the limited font selection to the small space of 3.5 by 2 inches, I felt a little trapped on this one.

However, as I designed these business cards for my typography class, I learned, slowly but surely, that what I view as limitations were actually challenges to help me grow. When coupled with these guidelines and a creative mind, I had to think in ways that were a bit unconventional for me. Although it wasn't my most favorite thing, this project did end up being a little bit of an eye opener.

So, while you may not get all of that out of the design you see below, I hope you can now better appreciate the story that was unintentionally designed into these little 3.5 by 2 inch cards :)

- !Reed!
the Importance of Limitations

the Importance of Limitations
