Final Major Project is a revitalising brief where we rebranded a local company that was suffering from the global pandemic. I was set with the task to design a brand book and two relevant artefacts for the brand. I revamped a local handcrafted macramé small brand that I renamed as 'Kindly Knots', I decided to emphasise the fact that they are homemade by handwritten typefaces and the textures of macramé to create an inviting, welcoming and homey atmosphere appropriate for my brand personality. 

The zine that I designed consists of the product that the customer would be buying as well as going into depth of their existing products, as well as tote bags that promoted sustainability.  In this project, I decided to take my photographs as well as create my mockups, which helped in honing my skills that will be useful in the future, as it allows me to add personality to my work. 

Kindly Knots


Kindly Knots
