Salvador Anguiano's profile

Captain America Poster Posse

This one is a little homage to the awesome Malika Favre, her style and the romantic themes she handles so well.
I wanted to try her minimalist, full of color, geometric style, as well as give the "Captain America — Winter Soldier" concept a romantic flair as Malika Favre often does in her works.
Snowy Winter variant version.
I also wanted to try my hand at some kind of minimalism.
I focused on the signature Captain America weapon, speedlines, and the intensity of chasing the bad guy.
Another minimalist, full of color poster.
My entries for the latest Poster Posse project, Captain America — Winter Soldier.
This time I wanted to try going in a different direction, have fun and try something new. I tried my hand at minimalism and gave the AWESOME Malika Favre a silly, little homage.
Hope you guys like it.
Thanks for watching!
Captain America Poster Posse


Captain America Poster Posse

My entries for the Captain America — Winter Soldier project by The Poster Posse.
