An interactive object
by Daria Grigorieva
Moscow, Russian Federation, 2021

Personal space, as a problem of privacy, belongs to the phenomena of
modern culture. Back in the middle of the 20th century, this issue was
not so urgent. Researchers associate the aggravation of the problem of
personal space with many factors, including: a change in culture, an
increased role of social and economic status, as well as the expansion
of human capabilities.
In the animal world, the problem of preserving and violating personal
boundaries is studied by the science of Ethology. For example, starlings
sit on a telegraph wire, maintaining a distance between themselves sufficient
to reach a neighbor with their beak. Reducing the correct distance between
birds leads to aggression.

In the modern world, in addition to animals and ourselves - people, technologies,
robots and machines also coexist.
The installation called “(DON'T)COME” makes you think about the
personal space of the car. Does it exist? Will the mechanism be able
to show aggression if its privacy is violated? How to build the right
distance with it in order to establish communication, and not create
a pretext for war?
Arduino, LED strip, sensors HC-SR04
by Daria Grigorieva, Arina Lir, Anna Klay
Moscow, Russian Federation, 2021

Workshop: Programming interactive environments
Teacher: Ildar Yakubov
Curators: Alexander Serechenko and Ekaterina Pryanichnikova 

                  NUST MISIS
                  Moscow, Russia

Commissioned by ArtTECH — NUST MISIS Master Program 2021

