Project proposal
The cause that I am interested in is the intervention and recovery for individuals who have been involved in cults. The organization that I would like to focus on is “Dare to Doubt” ( I was interested in “Dare to Doubt” because the main page has a clear focus on the reader, offering assurance and assistance.
​Specifically, what I would expect to do with this for the project is to continue the ‘you centric’ individualist mindset encouraged through the pages of “Dare to Doubt.” I want the message of the campaign to be focused on individuals regaining their autonomy and finding community with those who have experienced similar returns to secular society. This would also involve them recognizing the harmful behaviors within their organization (through the BITE model). As of currently, I would not expect to attempt to convince people to leave cults with this campaign, it would solely function to help those who have already done so.
​ I should also clarify- “Dare to Doubt” is not just limited to cults, they are meant for a wider range of people getting out of harmful belief systems. However, I think that I would like to focus on cults to narrow the scope of the project.

This moodboard highlights the main color scheme and imagery the project includes. Much of the images here are taken from their website. The color scheme informs
"Rebuilding Your Life" Initial Poster Designs
These posters focused on the more abstract idea of establishing oneself as a member in a society.
"What Now" Initial Poster Designs
The idea behind these posters was to capture the feeling of loneliness that an individual experiences after leaving a cult (or other organization that my not explicitly be classified as such but still has relative control over the people involved). This is shown through the imagery of an individual, repeated and overlayed to give the impression that they feel not truly complete, together, or themselves. The open shackle is more directly taken from the broken chain imagery from the website and moodboard. The individual with the crowd of people can be seen as either the rest of their organization that they left- them now being isolated from those who they knew, or as them still feeling disconnected as they return to general society. In the vertical posters this is made more explicitly clear that they are those left in the cult as the individual is shown to be walking away.
Rebuild Your Life
This design includes more of a narrative with the adding of blocks. This was later changed into the animation, showing the motion of the blocks more explicitly.
"What Now?" Social Media Posts
The only notable change here from the horizontal posters are the dimensions. These are framed to fit as a set of instagram posts.
This animated version of one of the initial poster designs was done to accentuate the sense of motion. 
Final Social Media Posts
Redesigning the posts to include more explicit information in relation to cults
Final posters
These are the two final posters. While the animation I made was a work I am still proud of, I still felt that the static version was a piece that could still work on its own.
Cult Detachment

Cult Detachment
