Modernization of existing design to increase time spent, retention , new users, all device compatible and customization. 
New design is focused on mobile device compatibility ,simple navigation , easy discoverability of content , minumum learing curve and retention. Re-designed was done take exisiting and new user under consideration. Each feature was introduced based on A/B testing.
I was lead designer. Worked closely with product managers and engineers to launch the product successfully. Biggest challenge was how to attract the igoogle users after end of life igoogle.Can we make my yahoo as new destination for igoogle users? we were successful in incresing all our metrics but also in pulling igoogle user.
New user increase by 30% 
Retention Increased by 25%
Time spend increase by 40%
Research & Analysis: Start of project is marked by research. Research starts with case study and followed by comparing existing features of My yahoo with competitor sites.  Features in My yahoo is decided based on target user group , research analysis and user behavior.
User Experience Flow: User experience flow is designed to understand all possible use cases interactions
ConceptualizationDesigned 3 concepts and its interaction flow . A cognitive walkthrough approach is taken to find the interface complexity , interaction flow and usability of all 3 concepts
Wireframes: Wireframes of all use case for each concepts were build and low fidelity test were performed
High Fidelity Mocks: Final design is incorporated with all feedbacks received from user during cognitive walkthrough. Below you can see some screen shot from exisiting website.
Mobile Web Wireframes
UX Flow: 
Re-Design My Yahoo!

Re-Design My Yahoo!

The design brief was to redesign to provide more customization opportunities , greater control on content , increase user engagement Read More
