Oscar Moreno's profile



The last days of summer were running and the wind, impetuous, rocked the tops of the trees that impassive standed in the thick forest, taking with it the leaves of weak steams it could rip off the branches that clashed against each other at its pass, drawing dancing shadows with the sunlight that went through the dense treetops on the large foliage that covered the ground.
The brushing sound of the leaves clashing against each other gave welcome to a tearful-eyed traveler who watched some old ruins that standed in a clearing.
The rock walls, greened by the vegetation growing in them, in no moment showed the original form the edification they belong to should have. Only in the mind of the man in that moment close to them, they were brought to life while the nostalgic and the memories of past experiences that happened in that same place, flooded his mind.
The faces of the kids who, in ecstasies, watched him smiling from their cots letting out, from time to time, exclamations of wander while listening attentively the stories of adventures the Father told them in candle light and, that far from lull them to sleep, got them more excited imagine furrowing the skies on the back of dragons, wielding enchanted weapons and using the powers of magic.
The afternoons that, after the lunch, they gathered in the outsides of the temple to play hide and seek among other frails, and the times he ended soaked for the wars of foam that happened the dais the laundry was done in the monastery. The images populate his memories as clear as if they had occurred yesterday.
The man with grey hair on his temples, pulled put a handkerchief from between his cloths to dry the tears that had rolled down his cheeks and blow his nose once his mind returns to the present, to put it away again between the fabrics of his tunic carefully, and started to walk to the ruins so he could look at them closer.
But after just a few steps, he stops dead when he felt something cracks underneath one of the old leather sandals he wears on his feet, puzzled, he gets a step back and crouches to watch what has cracked under his weight.
With one hand he shakes off the earth that covers the object and, with cringe he discovers the skeletal hand of a little arm that had been buried, hidden by the time and that, for its size should have belong to a kid. But what happened here? , the doubt assaulted him.
In that moment, another sound, this time coming from the surrounding forest, called his attention.
The man turns and scrutinizes the surroundings on search of movement, when the loudly cracking of wood breaking, followed by the scream of a male voice, that culminate in a sonorous breaking of water, indicate him from where he was been watched.
The same way, the noisy sound puts in alert a little individual that was napping hidden between the wall of the ruins and who, alarmed, after giving some thought, pick up a stick from the ground and, using it, pokes out his pointy hat from behind the barrier of rocks he was at.
Dinter, just about start to run, stays still, surprised, watching the hat poking out and wave for a moment over the wall of rock, just to disappear instants later being substituted by a pair of curious eyes, crowned by bristly hair that explore nervously the surroundings.
–Zadack? –asks the built human after forcing his sight.
–Well… depends… who is asking? –answered the little man from behind the wall, while taking his hands to his face to cover the reflex of the sunlight so he could focus better.
–I am Dinter –responds the man in front of him.
The gnome takes one hand to his chin to scratch it and starts to think outload: Dinter… Dinter… that rings a bell… where do I have heard that name?
Dinter remembers what he was doing and runs in the direction from where the scream came, getting into the forest, leaving the little man thinking.
–Hey! Where are you going? Don’t leave me thinking alone! –yells the little individual, who immediately pick up his stuff and goes in persecution of the human.
After a while, remembering the old abandoned well where once one of the kids he loved the most almost lose his life, Dinter, finds the place.
The hole he had covered by a layer of rock by means of a spell years back so none of the children would had an accident with it again has been uncovered once again, product of the erosion and the roots of a big tree that had opened their way extending in the place. Also, the growing of the vegetation has converted the opening in a trap ready to trap the first unwary that step foot on it.
–Hello? Are you okay? –yells the cleric on his knee next to the hole, supporting himself with his hand to the edge so he could see in its interior, but the darkness blocks his view just a few meters ahead.
–Yes, I am okay! Just soaked! –receives in response, accompanied with echo.
–All right, don’t move! I’ll help you out! –answered Dinter and immediately starts to rummage in his leather backpack he is carrying on his back, from where he extracts a long rope which ties surrounding various times the grown tree that stands next to the well.
In that moment Zadack arrives at the place panting and, once he recovers his breath, pointing at the human says:
–I remember who you are, you are the individual that… no... that one was taller… and now that I think about it wasn’t even human.
Dinter finishes tying up the rope around the thick trunk, gives it a good pulls be sure the knot will hold and toss the other end through the hole, while Zadack continues talking.
–Ah! I know it now! You are the person that… no… that was a halfling… –the rope reaches the bottom of the well where the unfortunate is and, once he grasp to it , rolling it up around one of his arm, yells to the one who is helping him.
–Ready! I got it! –after hearing this, the built human stands firmly on his feet and starts to pull with force from the rope while the gnome concludes.
–There is no doubt, you are the fatty that was healing and scolding half the world, but from that it already rained, it been more than… ten, fifteen years from the last time we see each other?
Zadack gets close to the hole so he could see the poor fool that had fallen into it.
–Is a dark elf! –yells the little man pointing the figure when he could distinguished, falling on his back from the impression when he stepped  backwards and tripped with the roots of the tree.
–What? –exclaims Dinter, and once he confirmed the fact when the face of the unfortunate finally is illuminated by the sunlight that was able to go through the dense tree tops above them and hit passing through the hole of the well, instinctively lose his grip on the rope escaping this from his hands.
–No! Ahhhh…! –the silver-haired elf no able to react on time to hold from the edge, falls for the second time to the cold waters, which damped his fall, in the interior of the well.
–Goods! –exclaim the cleric when he realizes what he has just done, and, worried, he peeps through the opening to apologize to the stranger.
–If he wasn’t, that surely should have killed him –says Zadack between laughs out loud, pointing at the well clearly amused.
–I’m so sorry! This time we’ll get you out! Hold on one more time! –yells the Father shamed to the man and, once more, he starts to pull the rope to get the unfortunate out one more time, but this time the weight on the rope is null.
–Puzzled, Dinter, peeps into the whole of the well to meet with the upset face of the elf who, levitating, leaves the well and finishes perching on a thick branch from the closest tree, where he crouches and starts to squeeze his long cape without taking his sight from the duo who watch him distrust.
–I’m sorry for what just happened, but truth is the reputation of your race precedes you –enounces Dinter politely.
The elf makes a pause when he listens that and jumps from the tree stopping his fall midair to land softly in front of them.
The duo moves by instinct leaving a wide space between the stranger and themselves.
–My race? Yes… I suppose you are right, although I really don’t know much of my race –mentioned the elf.
–Confused by the comment, Dinter discreetly uses magic trying to detect evil in the heart of the elf in front of them; however his gesturing is noticed by the elf who calmly opens his cape reveling two swords, one short and one long that hang from his belt, and puts each of his hand on the handle of the same side, watching serene at the human.
Dinter concludes his spell realizing the elf figured out his intentions and, despite of that, he remained calm the whole time receiving him inclusive with a smile at the end, and even more for his surprise the result from his spell was so different of what he has given for sure.
The strange gets close to Dinter and extend his hand at him.
–My name Is Lance and I have been traveling trying to know more about my own race, without much success, but it seems you know something. I saw the ruins through the forest and I got curious, so I got closer, was then when I saw you and, since most of the time people react hostilely when they see me, I decided to keep my distance –said the elf pointing with his sight the little man, that remains on guard, half covered behind the human, pointing him with his staff.
–Ahm... –Zadack realizes about his own attitude and gets out from behind the cleric, relaxing, while continues saying: –A forewarned gnome worth for ten… no for fifteen… –and confused he starts to make math using the fingers of his free hand to finish convinced –One hundred and twenty-four! –elf and human burst out laughing because of that comment, which breaks even more the tension between them –What are you laughing about ? Is a confirmed fact from where I come –enounce Zadack sure of his words.
–I am Dinter d’Arkenton and the untrusting little man with me is Zadack –introduces himself the cleric and shakes the hand of the elf.
–Is precaution, not distrust – corrects the gnome while fixes his pointy hat he wears on his head.
–So, you are a gnome… I have never seen one –says the elf with interest.
–Really? Well, you don’t know what you have lost. We are good luck charms –answered presumptuously the little one wobbling.
–Ha! Yea sure! –exclaims Dinter almost involuntarily not being able to hold his opinion to what the gnome just say.
–What? You are still alive, don’t you? That proves it –answers quickly the little man to the human
Dinter watches the swords that keep poking out from beneath the thick olive green cape that covers the shoulders of the elf.
–And where are you coming from, ranger? –asks Dinter trying to confirm his hunch.
–It is that obvious? –answers the elf curious, arching an eyebrow.
–I have shared experiences with people, with the same affinity with the forest –responds the human.
–Well then… –continues the ranger –I come from Isralidh, beyond Ahskarad’s cradle –the way an immense mountain formation that extended dividing a big part of the continent was known –I have come to this places guided by the stories I had heard from bards and travelers, in which they mentioned dark skin elves with silver hair, but up to now I haven’t found one although, I have been for about a week in these woods. –concludes Lance with acceptance in his face.
–Dark skin elves with silver hair? –thinks out loud Zadac.
–Yes, have you seen one? –inquiries them the elf.
–No, but certainty that evokes in my mind the image of my cousin Ehridian when he blew up the roof of his house trying to make a new potion he had found on a parchment. Hahaha! What a fool! He mistook one of the ingredients! Instead of using frog’s eggs he used snail’s eggs. Hahaha! The ended dragging his words for a week –comments the little man bursting in laughs before the puzzled looks of the others, to recover the seriousness suddenly –Now that I think about it wasn’t that funny, he spoiled my best hat with that explosion –ended thinking again out loud, robbing his chin, remembering with disdain, which at the beginning surprised the other pair, but later caused them to laugh.
–And to all this, what are you doing here? –interrogates the little individual at the human
–I use to live around here; unfortunately, I was suddenly taken away from home and was taken to far places, and just now I could come back. The ruins in the clearance, the same ruins you were hiding –mentions pointing at Zadack.
–I wasn’t hiding, I was resting –he protested.
–Whatever. Those walls formed part of an old temple that functioned as a modest orphanage. We had under our care a big number of children which had the misfortune of been alone in this world. We were… –and taking one of his hands to one of his temples starts to remember –let me see, Father Leopoldo, Father Ernestias, Franchesco… –and once his memories were refreshed continues –we were eight frails total. For my sadness, too much time had happened since the last time I was here and now all that remains from my home are ruins–clearly nostalgic, although his face suddenly changes when he remembers the half-buried skeletal remains, which have him intrigued.
–And you? What are you doing here? –ask back to the gnome.
–Me? –responds this one trying to disregard the question.
–Yes, you –insist the human.
–I’m in a very important mission –indicates he.
–A mission?  What mission? –asks curious the man while the elf listens to them attentive.
 –Is a secret mission, so I won’t tell you anything –gabbles the little individual crossing his arms.
–Secret mission? What secret mission? – insist Dinter.
–Are you deaf? I said it is se… cret –answered the little man raising his voice.
–That for sure is other of you tales –responds skeptical the cleric already a little irritated.
–And like that I have many –answered the gnome arrogantly.
–I have forgotten how much exasperating you are –groans Dinter while he shakes his head looking at the sky like if he were asking the gods for patience, which makes the elf laugh, who can’t avoid let a guffaw after such comments.
Dinter apologizes to the ranger for his reaction and the attitude of the gnomes and returns to the point.
–I did have the opportunity to meet some individuals from your race and certainty I didn’t enjoy it, because it wasn’t as ally but as enemies I got related to them. They are not tolerant with other races, not even other elves, besides their essence… generally is evil. Which have me puzzled –comments, referring clearly to elf in front of him.
–I see… I already had heard something like that, still I need to corroborate it by myself –responds this one reflective.
–But, how is possible you don’t know the ones in your race? Are you the product of some kind of metamorphosis or something like that? – Zadack throws the question to the air.
–What? Metamorphosis? –asks confused the dark elf.
–Don’t pay him attention –indicates Dinter to Lance, which makes the gnome angry who, after throwing the evil eye to the human, starts to walk following the lane, getting away –but it is truth it hard to imagine you don’t know anything about your own race –continues the cleric, who interrupts himself to yell at the gnome – where are you going?
–Far! I’m hungry and you two are not fun –yells back this one.
–There was a settlement not too far from here in that direction –indicates Dinter to the elf pointing in the same direction Zadack was walking towards –, and now that I think about it I’m hungry too. Something that would make me really happy is a big bowl of Clavilla’s, would you like to join us? –Dinter invites the elf to join them.
–I prefer to stay in the forests, as I mentioned before, people generally reacts hostilely when they see me, but I’ll joint you up to the outsides of the town, is nice to have some company for a change –and after said that they start to follow the steps of the gnome over the lane.
–And… answering your question, I was raised by a human ranger, his name was Leithen, he taught me everything I know. I don’t have memories of my mother; she died giving me on birth, all I know, for what my adoptive father told me, is that she was beautiful and determined, a lioness within a swan, that’s the way he referred a lot of times about her –comments the ranger looking back in his memory.    
 –And your father, didn’t he told you anything about your race? –asks skeptical Dinter.
–I don’t think he knew much either, and apparently my mother didn’t wanted he knew too much either about the life of dark elves, the only thing I do know is that, not like others beings, we have innate special abilities –answered the elf while he cover his face with the hood of his cape.
After a long time of walking over the lane, somehow faded by the growth of the vegetation, the trio arrives by noon at the place Dinter remembers the small town was settle which, several times, he had visited on cart for the groceries to supply the pantry and get the tools needed for the cleaning and maintenance of the monastery, but once there, they only find the desolate remains of the edifications that formed part of the settlement.
–Is this the town you were talking about? –ask the ranger witnessing the scene before them from the top of the hill.
–Yes, this is it –nods Dinter clearly puzzled and restart his walking to get close to the remains, followed close by Lance.
–What is wrong with this lands that everything is on ruins? –Zadack exclaims sarcastically before following the steps of the human.
This way, the arrive the settlement where a centenary of edifications extended at right and left of the path that turned into the main street which crossed the entire town from beginning to end curving.
Some of the constructions were totally demolished, but most of them were still standing although various had damages in its rock walls and roofs structure with blackened parts.
Only in the memory of the cleric the place came to life. Eltherton, the big and tall carpenter who, a lot of times, visited the temple with his brother Isaias, to do repairs on doors and windows. Teobaldo, the chubby and joyful baker, who received his clients with sweet snacks, and of course, Gertrudis, the funny seamstress who, with her stories and occurrences, made everybody laugh. 
 The memories flooded the mind of Dinter as the walk through the streets formed by the surrounding constructions. He remembered the location of every business he used to visit.
Meanwhile, pulling off his hood to be able to see better, the dark elf crouches from time to time to explore the place looking for traces that could indicate what had happened in the town, and he is falling behind.
 Zadack, on his part, separates to wonder around the surroundings.
In that moment, Dinter notes how some steps getting out from one construction a few feet in front of them; start to mark the walking of a being that, hidden to his eyes, gets away cautiously.
Quickly, the cleric casts a spell upon himself and everything become visible to his now purple eyes, being able to distinguish who, making use of the magic, tries to get away unnoticed.
An elf who, using a cord, holds his long hair like a pony tail. He wears a magnificent armor with golden and red finish, which shows signs of battle, and covers his face with a thick silk scarf that only let his distrustful eyes to be seen.
Immediately old resentments emerge in the heart of the cleric: It was Aldair, there was no doubt about it, an old companion of adventures who had thrown them in more problems he had pulled them out from; typical of him trying to not ben noticed.
–What are you doing here? –yells Dinter so the elf could hear him.
Surprised, this one turns his head to all directions to get sure the human is not looking someone else.
–Yes, I’m looking at you, elf –exclaims again the human pointing at him with the quarterstaff he uses as weapon.
More than fifteen year had passed since the last time they had shared adventures together. His blood boiled with only look at him, because more than once his life and the ones of their comrades had been put in peril product of the impulsive -not to say stupid proceeding and selfish thinking of the elf.
Dinter remembered the times he was left to his fortune along with his comrades in battles started by the same elf imprudently and in which, instead of stick around to help fix the situation, he kept at bay the combat until the danger had ceased. Not to mention the affronts of heroic warrior the elf made, but ended with him fleeing at the first scratch; thing that had infuriated him more than once. 
The masked elf, when saw himself exposed, watches with care the face of the human and, getting back to the past, in his memory, he remembers:
–Dinter? –asks hesitating.
–Yes it is I, and you, what the hell are you doing here? –responds hostilely the cleric calling everybody else the attention with the tone of his voice.
Although probably the elf deserves it, was it necessary to treat him this way?, reflects the human within him, regretful from his own words while watching the perplexed face of the el due to his reaction.
Eighteen year was a long time; a person can change it that time, can do it in less time, Dinter knew he himself had changed in those years, why couldn’t Aldair do it too?
–I’m sorry; I beg you forgive my attitude. I had to assimilate to many things in a really short time –apologizes he cleric in a more serene tone when he decided give the benefit of the doubt to the elf, convinced that he being right was the more possible, yet not because of that he felt less uncomfortable in front of him.
–Don’t… worry –responded the elf more relax –I was on my way to the village of Russell, when I saw this settlement on the distance and decided to get close to see it –continues the masked one, still surprised for being in front of that man he had shared countless adventures with.
Even though they haven’t end in good terms last time, they had bled together in combat more than once. He really haven’t changed that much compared with the images he still kept in his memory; the human keep having that built and goody aspect, even though his gray hair and the expression lines in his face give and idea of the time that had passed.
–And now, who are you talking with? –asks intrigued the gnome who gets close after hearing the conversation and couldn’t see whre the other voice comes from.
–You too are here? –exclaims even more surprised Aldair when he recognizes the little man.
–That voice… I know it… –enounce the mage, and starts to pronounce phrases known by everyone as the language of magic.
–Hey! No! What are you doing? –the masked on yells when he realizes what the gnome is doing.
Zadack finishes casting his spell and with it, upset, the warrior gets stripped away of his invisible veil.
–Aha! I already said that I knew that voice! The puse… pusi… puso… how do you say it in common? –and taking one of his hands to the back of his neck he stood thoughtful –is something like coward, but with other words –pointed out the gnome.
–Hey! You should better hold your tongue if you don’t want to lose it! –warns the masked one, pointing aggressively to the little man, thing that causes Zadack laugh rather than fear.
Dinter, even though he agreed with what the little mage had just said, he tries to calm the elf down –I see you have forgotten how Zadack is, is like treat with a spoiled child. Just give deaf ears to his comments. If you ignore him the one getting mad will be him –mentions him whispering taking him from the shoulder.
Lance finishes getting close to where the trio stands, carrying with him a bunch of burned weeds in one of his hands.
 –Well… it seems this place was attacked… –starts to inform the rest when is interrupted by Aldair, who, by instinct, draws and puts the tip of his sword on the throat of the ranger when he notices his race, before the confused eyes of everyone else.
The dark elf realizes too late of his error, getting close confidently and forgetting to cover his face with the hood of his cape to cover his identity, and reacts shown his empty hands by his sides as a signal of peace.
–No! Aldair, stop! He is with us –immediately interferes the human, commanding the warrior to sheath his sword.
–Have you allied with dark elves? –inquires the warrior, looking at him in disbelieve without lowering his weapon.
–I know is hard to believe, but he is not an dark elf like others, he is not evil –although Dinter knew that was a contradiction, the ranger had won the benefit of the doubt, still have to wait to see if he could be trustworthy –I respond for him, put down your weapon –ends, trying to convince the brown-hair elf to calm down.
–Yes, you better put away your toy before you poke yourself one eye out –enounces Zadack sarcastically seeing the situations amused.
–I don’t trust the ones of your race… if at any moment I have the impression you are trying to betray us I won’t hesitate to stab you with you with my steel –leaves clear Aldair, and after tense seconds he withdraw his blade from the neck of the dark elf reluctantly, not without giving an angry look to the gnome. And returns his sword to its enchanted sheath, a tattoo on his own back where the weapon merges to it complementing it.
–Oh! That is and awesome weapon! –exclaims Lance amazed.
–That’s nothing –answers coldly the masked one.
–I assume, just like Dinter did, you had confronted others from my race in the past, isn’t it? –inquires him the ranger.
–That’s right. The ones of your race are evil and selfish –responds the masked elf with clear despite in his voice.
–I understand –murmurs reflexive the ranger before the comment.
–What was you were telling before Aldair interrupted you? –interrogates Dinter the ranger bringing him back from his thinking.
–What? Oh, yes! I was telling you that this town was attacked… months ago. I found remains in some parts of the place, skeletons with signs of slashes or fractures from blades and some sort of bludgeon weapons and, due to the state of the vegetation and the blackened walls, this place burned for a while. I also found large footprints, already quite tenuous and clearly not humans may be from ogres –finishes to inform them.
Dinter remembers in that moment the remains he had found on the ground close to the ruins of the monastery. Could that be related whit what happened to the town? That question started to spin around in his head and he can only imagine the terror the children could have experienced if that was truth, because what resistance could the frails gave against a group of monsters? What had been of the children? Could some of them escaped? Those doubts started to consume him.
–Well, I’ll continue my way, may the good keep you safe –says farewell Aldair while he starts to get away from the group.
–The village you are seeking… it no longer exists –mentions Dinter once he is brought back with the farewell from the elf.
–What do you mean? –the masked elf stops and asks intrigued.
–Russell, the village you are seeking… you are at it. This was the town of Russel –informs him the human.
–Are you sure? –asks distrustful the masked one.
–I use to live near here, just half day away. I knew this place like the back of my hand –explains Dinter.
–Dark! How long this place was attacked? –inquires Aldair to the ranger.
–My name is Lance, and it was about three months ago –answer this one, resentful.
The masked elf receives the news clearly with frustration, puts his hands on his hips and starts to walk thoughtful.
–And what…? –starts to ask Dinter; when the resounding of hoofs getting close calls the group attention. May be at last they could obtain some of update information about the region, was the tough that flourished the majority of the group.
Lance immediately covers himself with the hood of his cape to hide his face.
Patiently they wait for several minutes until the source of the sounds make its appearance. It was a group of riders.
–Hey! Travelers! Good day! –yells Dinter to the man on horses trying to call their attention, who, curious, from the moment they had notice the presence of the peculiar group in the distance when turning on the curve the main street of the town made, they had slowed his pace stopping completely several feet away.
Trotting, two of them get close cautiously to the cleric who moves forward to meet with the riders while the rest of his comrades wait.
–You don’t look from here –points out one of the men when he watches from close each and every one of the companions of the human who had greeted them.
–You are right; we are travelers looking for the nearest town in these places. Could you give us some directions? –asks politely Dinter.–The nearest village  is several days away to the north –points out the man with his sight to the direction from where they have been riding–. But if a were you I'll head back;  with the quantity of monsters wandering around this areas is more feasible that you end death if you decide to continue from here.
Having said that spurs his horse and, along his companion, returns with the rest of the riders to continue their path, leaving without the opportunity to the cleric and company to formulate another question, disappearing at full gallop behind the hill.
 –Lance, you told us you had about one week in this forest, do you know what kind of monsters they were referring to? –interrogates Dinter, intrigued.
–No, I have not seen any kind of "monsters" in the surroundings. I do not know what they were referring to with "monsters". Probably the creatures that left the big tracks I found earlier –informs the ranger –; however, I have notice the forest quite uninhabited, I almost have not seen animals which is not normal –concludes after search in his memory.
–Well, I will head to the north, to the village the rider mentioned –informs Aldair to the group.
–I'll also head in that direction. I need to know what happened and what is happening here... and if what the rider said is true, is better to travel in company –indicates the cleric.
Even when they don't completely trust in him because of his race, to Lance, was pleasant to have company to travel after been alone for a long time. If he could show them he worth their trust perhaps they will help him find the clan his mother had belong to, so he can know about his roots. If something was true he had the feeling they know more than they said.
–Dinter, if you allow me, I would like to join you –mentions respectfully the ranger.
–Of course, no problem –answers this kindly, to which, the elf nods grateful.
 On the other side, Zadack, if it was true he did not liked much the company of the human and he could not trust on the availability of the masked elf, not counting the dark elf, he simply could not trust in a dark elf no matter what Dinter said, he thoughts, due to the circumstances, would be better to travel accompanied rather than alone. At least, that way, he would have someone he could use as a shield in case some kind of hostile encounter take place. Besides, how the tensions that can be noticed between the group members could ended, awaken his curiosity, he simply find it entertainment.
–Well, I will follow you –says the gnome to the group.
–Are you thinking in joining us? Didn’t you say we are not fun? –asks Dinter to him puzzled, using the same words the little individual had used before.
–And you are not, but I don’t have anything better to do –answers, the last one, unconcerned.
–No? What about your mission? –inquires him Dinter.
–What mission? –answers the little man scratching the tip of his nose.
–What do you mean with “what mission”? The secret mission you mentioned earlier –reminds him confused the man.
–What about it? –asks the gnome.
–What do you what...? Agsh! Forget it! Do whatever you want! I do not care! –finish the conversation the sturdy man already exasperated.
Foolish human, thinks Zadack to his insides while he smiles mischievously.
For Aldair, the idea of having to travel with a dark elf did not likes it at all, even when Dinter answers for it. It could be some kind of trick and, remembering the gullible the human could be, might already had fallen in the game of the dark ranger.
However, he trust his own abilities were far more superiors than the ranger's and that for, if necessary, he wouldn't have trouble defeating him if he saw himself obligated to fight against it.
In other hand, bringing a cleric as company was not bad at all, that way if he saw himself in trouble he could always trust it would take care of healing his wounds, specially remembering the moral alignments through which Dinter guides itself. From that point of view it was very predictable. Besides, even when he doesn't wanted to admit it, was very likely for him to need its help, because due to the things they had seen and heard until that moment was obvious that something disturbing was happening in the place.
–All right then, lets better hurry our steps. Dark, can you guide us through the forest? –asks the masked one.
Lance! My name is Lance and yes, I can, even when I don't know this terrains good enough –answers the ranger.
–Haven you been in this forest for a week? –interrogates impatience Aldair before its comment.
–That's right, but this forest are very extensive, and I haven't explore it completely, that would take me more than a month –explains the ranger while heads forward to start guiding the group through the dense woods.
–And... what brings you here? –asks Dinter, now calmly to the masked elf.
–I am looking for someone and... apparently, a group of adventurers saw him here recently, in Russell, to be exact, but... for what I can see I arrived too late –answers this with hesitation.
When the sun started to hide on the horizon, having advanced a good length in the given direction by the riders about the location of the nearest village, the sound of battle is brought to their ears by the wind through the forest.
–Did you hear that? –asks the ranger to the others.
–Sounds like if a battle was taking place –answers the masked elf after paying more attention to the noises. Then he starts to enunciate some words in the language of the magic, whereby his long cape starts to shake like if was been reached for a soft breeze and, once he ends, he flies toward the direction of the sound.
–Aldair! Wait! –enounces late Dinter quietly trying to stop the elf, without succeed–. Typical… –mutters frustrated and initiates a race through the forest in the direction of the sounds of the fight, followed by Lance and Zadack.
Thanks to the aerial view of the zone Aldair is the first to realize what was happening. On the distance, outside the forest, over a big terrace, a little fortification defended by humans is been attacked for a numerous contingent of creatures, most of them orcs and for the width of their ranks it can be seen clearly they were far exceed in number.
A lot of orcs bodies lie lifeless on the ground close to the wood walls, product of the arrows from the archers posted behind the barrier, who are diminished equally with accurately shots from the orchis cross bows.
The situation leans even more in favor of the orcs when the ogres in its ranks attain to knock down part of the entrance of the fortification using a recent uproot tree, as if it were a ram.
Is in that moment the masked elf, floating in the air, conjures one spell and in his hands an immense incandescent sphere starts to form just to be expelled to the center of the orchis lines, leaving track of smoke in its way.
The fireball explodes with a deafening bang burning immediately everything it touches, sending to the airs those far enough to not be devoured by the flames.
The forest starts to become lighter as the others get close to the place from where the noises of battle are coming, arriving to the boundaries of the forest on time to see the explosion and been received by a rain of debris and orcs, some of which are thrown to the top of the trees, which dampens their fall and, bouncing from branch to branch, they manage to reach the ground alive.
One of them lands just in front of Zadack, surprising him; the orc, stunned, tries clumsily to get up but is put out of combat from a strong hit on the head, delivered by the little gnome with his shield.
–Aja! One less! –once sure the orc is unconscious after moving it with one of his feet takes pleasure of his victory.
The rearguard lines retreat bewildered seeking the protection of the forest, whereby several individuals run in the direction of the place where the others in the group are.
At sight, the orcs point at them with their weapons and rush to the observers emitting a ferocious war cry.
Lance quickly unsheathes his swords preparing himself to receive the enemies while, calmly, Zadack roll ups his sleeves and after clear his throat, starts  to invoke  the powers of the magic, seconds later a bright electric arc is expelled from his hands which travels toward the attackers electrocuting to all it touches, eliminating most of them.
The fortunate orcs that were not reached by the spell run away terrified from the little man, with the exception of two of them, and after a pause, they pounce to the attack irascible, trying to put an end to the wizard.
–Whoa! Feet! –exclaims Zadack at the time he starts to run as fast as he can when he sees the two humanoids sieving him.
Lance, who was near the wizard, come between the way of the orcs and receive them with his steels, putting almost immediately out of combat the first one with fast and accurate cuts of them.
The second one, wielding a grotesque double blade axe, tries to chop in two the dark elf like if he were a log, but Lance nimbly dodges the slash surrounding the orc, which he put on his knees by hurting it in the back of its knees, ending its existence separating the head of its body by crossing the blades of his weapons like if they were a scissor in its neck.
For its part, the ogres near the fence, scared for the detonation, let the tree they were using like a ram go and shrink next to the orcs that were at the front of the contingent, many of which, confused, turn in all directions looking at each others, trying to find out what is happening.
Seconds later one by one the ogres, followed by a lot of orc, start to fall lifeless to the ground because of deep wounds opened by invisible slashes which fill of color even more the ground in front of the fortification with the blood poured.
For his part, the ogres close to the palisade, scared by the detonation, drop the tree they were using as ram and shrink next the orcs in front of the contingent, a lot of which, turn  in every direction looking to each other trying to figure it out what was going on.
Seconds later one by one the ogres followed by several orcs start to fell lifeless to the ground by cause of wide wounds opened by invisible slashes that taint even more the soil in front of the fortification the pouring blood.
Frightened, the orcs and gnolls which still were standing start to run terrified breaking what is left of the lines, some of them even drop their weapons and shields so they can run faster.
Zadack stops his race when he realizes that the dark elf has taken care of those chasing him, when the sounds of braking branches make him turn to see a another pair of orcs which, behind some bushes, are getting up robbing the punches taken for their abrupt landing.
When they realize of the presence of the little man, their faces distort into grotesque smiles with the simple idea of stain with blood the blades of their weapons and without hesitate, one of them extract the hand axe it carries attached to its belt, jumps over the bushes and starts to run to catch the little wizard.
Zadack, for his part, covers himself with his shield facing the orc and starts to concentrate while pronounce some phrases looking straight the humanoid.
In that moment the mounted gems simulating the eyes of the face carved on the shield start to emit a bright light.
The orc stops short and its face distorts because of the panic, drops its weapon and flies away on the opposite direction, before the stupefy look of his comrade who finishes finding its sword between the bushes.
The second orc, more muscular, jumps the bushes and runs grunting with its sword raised toward the gnome, who remains undaunted before the attack.
Too late he realizes, alarmed, the orc has resisted the magic from the shield and just manage to react hiding behind it closing tightly his eyes waiting to receive the hit of the blade.
For his surprise this never came; in exchange is substituted by a plunk and a little cloud of dust in his direction.
When he finally decide to take a look, he finds the motionless body of the orc flat on its face at a few centimeter of him, with a knife deeply nailed in its neck.
Soon he sees the ranger approaching to recover his weapon from the lifeless body.
–That is why I do not trust in magic, you do not know when it can fails –mention the elf at the time he returns the knife to his boot after cleaning the blade with the cloths of the orc and leaving the gnome with the words in its mouth he gets away from the place.
For the relief of many of the soldiers posted in the fortification the enemy horde starts to flee hastily.
–The orcs are retreating, captain! –informs one of the soldiers to his superior, followed immediately by the cheers of his comrades celebrating the fact of been alive.
Minutes later the only left from the orc contingent are the bodies that cover the battlefield.
Once secure there were no more enemies in the surroundings, Zadack, Dinter, and Lance get out of the forest and start to get close to the fortification.
–Captain! Someone is approaching! –one of the lookouts immediately informs his superior when he distinguishes them on the distance.
–Are you sure they are people? –questions the last one his subordinate.
–That seems to be the case sir, two men and a child –the man climbs to the superior hall, where the archers are posted, to confirm the information.
–The soldiers load their bows and prepare to receive the order. Due to the circumstances they could not be too confident.
–Good day? Is there someone wounded? –greets Dinter kindly at the fot ot the wall, offering his help.
–Who's there? –asks the man who distinguishes from the rest by wearing a more complete armor.
–My name is Dinter d'Arkenton, cleric from Ersvarta, and they are my friends.
–A holy man! Be welcome! –answers who seems to be the officer in command –. As soon we can open the gate we let you in –informs, and starts to give orders to his men so they fix the entrance which, due to the attack has become partially  obstructed.
After a while of being waiting, the big wooden door creaks opening accompanied of the grind of its hinges that hold it when, at last, the men achieve to free the door leafs after chopping, using axes, a great quantity of branches of the tree used by the ogres as ram and which had ended going through the entrance.
In that moment, Aldaír, certain there was no need to keep it, cancels his spell becoming visible just before the sight of the men was free of obstacles.
–Wasn't you three? –asks surprised the command officer when he sees the masked elf.
The others turn following the stare of the man and, after comprehend what is going on, the cleric informs:
–Ah! You where referring to the masked one, he is with us too.
–Was me who made the orcs flee and killed the ogres –manifests Aldair, proud of himself.
  –Yea, yea what would we do without you? –exclaims mockingly the gnome while moves forward into the fortification followed by the contemptuously look of the masked one.
–Was it you who cause the explosion? –asks the officer, surprised.
–Yes it was me –recovers the elf the smile under his mask when he feels the astonishing looks of the humans in front of him upon him.
–Please, come inside –invites them the man in command.
In the interior on the place could be seen several edifications, including the stable which showed one of its wall pulled down product of huge rocks that lie encrusted in the ground, surely threw by some of the ogres, close of which some individuals try to calm down some horses that had came out, scared, from the stable.
–Lance shows his face and takes off one of the gloves to get close to one of the animals pronouncing some phrases in a soft tone, until, little by little the nervous steed is appeased allowing to be caress in its forehead.
–That's it boy, nothing is going to happen, easy –murmurs the elf while pats the horse on the neck.
–But... what are you? –inquires surprised one of the men who was struggling with the steed.
–I am a ranger –answers Lance.
–No, I mean your race, I have never seen someone like you –continues curious the man.
–Ah. That. I am an elf, but because the tone of my skin, we are called dark, dark elves –answers kindly while keeps helping the men with the rest of the animals.
At the same time a lot of men carry the wounded taking them to one of the edifications, while the death are placed close to the wall, one next to the other, and are covered with blankets.
–Be welcome. My name is Mahrek and I am the officer in command in this outpost  –exclaims the man while guides the others in the group  to what it seems the barracks, where the injured were placed on the available beds.
–Mahrek, what happened with the village of Russell? –asks Dinter to the man while he approaches to one of the beds.
Mahrek after a sigh, explains to the group:
–In the last months there have been a series of attacks from big groups of monsters in the surroundings, like the one which moment ago attacked this fortification. There has not been a settlement which has not been attacked, that for the inhabitants of the region had decided to go and live nearby the castle.
Lance arrive to the barracks on time to listen the comment.
–Nearby the castle? You mean Arintia? –ask curious the cleric while examines the wounded.
–Yes, that's right. In fact, for what we know, the city on the interior of the castle's walls has become overcrowded because the amount of people that had go to live looking for the protection of these –answers Mahrek–. Tens of people had died under the edge of the orchish swords and, even with the send of soldiers to the settlements and the construction of outpost like this one the situation has become worst rather than improve. In fact, we believed it was our end, thank to the gods you came, We are in debt with you –ends thanking to their saviors for their intervention in the battle.
–You have nothing to thank –rushes to answer Dinter.
–Is not really natural that races like orcs, knolls and ogres allied to fight together –continues the cleric thinking out loud.
–Something or someone must be joining them to do it –concludes the masked elf.
–Amazing! Did you think that just like that? –asks mockingly the gnome, who walks curious inside the room.
–You are starting to finish with my patience, dwarf –answers upset the elf.
–Huy! I'm scare! And for your knowledge, the dwarfs are ugly, fat, and hairy. I am gnome, try to remember it in that... –continues Zadack when is interrupted by Dinter.
–Knock it off you two! You are acting like children. You have lived more than anyone here in the room, well... except Lance, so behave yourself –express Dinter putting an end to the discussion–. And Zadack, instead of been annoying Aldair do something useful and help me take care of the wounded since you are also a cleric –continues the human hurrying the gnome.
–Fine! Party pooper! –answers irritated the little man, getting close to the bed next to the wounded the cleric of Ersavarta is taking care of, where a man lays down with an arrow from a crossbow nailed in its chest and another in the abdomen, and without warning the little wizard takes the arrow in the chest and extracts it out in one  single pull followed by the scream of pain coming out from the wounded.
–What the hell are you doing? –reprimands immediately Dinter when he sees his action.
–Can't you tell? I am taking out the arrows so a can heal him later –protest the last one answering before the astonishing eyes of everyone in the room.
–You know what? Don't help me, don't do anything, I will take care of the wounded –indicates Dinter disgruntled
–All right. As you wish –enounces obedient the gnome while drops de arrow to the ground to continue snooping around, laughing to his insides.
Mahrek apologizes and abandons the room after he receives informs from one of the men at his charge, but not without give orders fist to his subordinates to provide and support in everything the holy man needs.
Like that, using his healing knowledge, the cleric from Ersvarta takes care of the wounded washing and bandaging the wounds of the less serious injured and, using his curative gifts heals the wounds of the serious injured and the dying, amazing the men who accompanied him, including Lance, who had not seen that type of magic either, who see how with the words of the cleric the wounds of the fallen in combat disappear before their eyes without leaving a mark, returning completely their health.
The night falls advanced when the holy man, helped by the ranger and other men, finished taking care of the wounded.
–My lord Dinter, there is no words to express how thankful we are for your help and the least we can do is offer you and your companions, food and a soft bed to rest for the time you required. Already give the order so some bedrooms in the barracks of the officers get prepared –mentions Mahrek to the cleric once he gets back to the room to see the condition of the wounded.
–You have nothing to thank! –answers clearly tired the well-built human drying the sweat with a piece of cloth.
–Please, follow me to the dining room, the dinner is served –invites them kindly the man in command.
–Yea! Real food! At last! I’m tired of eating travel rations. If I have to eat dry fruit and salted meat, again today, I’m going to get sick for sure –complains happily the gnome wizard while rushes to the exit.
Mahrek guides the group to the dining room, from which an exquisite smells came out.
–Mmm! That smells well! –says the gnome crossing before anyone the lintel of the door to sit on one of the long tables that occupied the place.
Soon the others joint Zadack in the table. After a while, a sturdy man wearing a stained white apron with a bonnet of the same color gets close to the table pushing a little table with wheels where a big pot, accompanied by a helper who carries a big jug, some jars and a wide plate with ham, cheese and bread which place in the center of the group.
–Once you have diner, your rooms will be found on the officer’s barracks… the construction found behind the kitchen. If you need anything you can ask to any of my man for it, they will gladly help you –indicates Mahrek, while the well-built cook fills several bowls with stew and distributes them among the member of the group.
After saying good night to their saviors, the man in command says goodbye, leaving them have their diner in tranquility. 
–I suppose you too are planning to travel to the castle, aren’t you? –interrogates the masked one to the others.
–Yes, in my case I am. I would like to know more about the things that are going on here –indicates Dinter.
–I will join Dinter as long as he allows me to do it –mentions Lance at the chorus of the noises made by the gnome when it slurps the broth of the stew from his plate.
–What! It tastes better like this –exclaims Zadack when he feels the look of everybody else upon him once he gets his face out of the plate. And so, once the group has satisfied its hunger and thirst, escorted by a pair of men, are taken to their rooms.
Despite his tiredness, Dinter kneels at the base of the bed to pray to the gods, hoping his prayers be rewarded with the gifts he humbly asked. While the masked elf, just like little gnome, extracts each one a thick book of fine finish from their cloths and with the light of the candles the start to read and gesticulate sited down on their cots, before the astonished eyes of Lance who, lied down over his straw mattress, watches his companions full of curiosity until the sleep overcome him.
Meanwhile, in the interior of a subterranean chamber poorly lighted with a pair of torches, someone listens the new brought for his minions.
–How the hell did you lost the battle against the human fortification! –grunts a raspy voice, coming from the shadows, hitting furious with one of his fits the armrest of a weary seat that serves as a throne in one of the ends of the place.
–The humans! They… got reinforcements! –cries one of the orcs on its knees over the rock floor, in front of the sited figure.
–Yea, yea, yea and there were a lot of wizards among them –mutters another orc next to the first.
–A fireball… exploded in the middle of our lines! We couldn’t do anything –informs another.
–You are useless! And failure… must be punished –not just the voice had finished pronouncing those words a huge double-bade war axe is expelled from the same darkness incrusting in the rock floor splitting in half the orc closes to the steps in front the throne.
–These deserves more extreme measures –thinks worried out loud the figure sited hiding in the shadows, frowning at the time he joins his hands to rest his chin on his interlaced fingers.




The first chapter of a fantasy novel project I been working on


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