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Understanding the Seven Creative Strategies

For this assignment, I was required to visually represent a useful object of my choice through the view of the seven creative strategies; physical/shape similarity, combination, metaphor/simile, juxtaposition, material change/swap/or focus, change of context/environment, and isolation. Doing this project also gave me the opportunity to learn how to use Photoshop software.
In this image, I used the creative strategy of a physical similar shape. The dancer's legs, feet, and pointed toes have been swapped for two calligraphy pens that are of similar shape.  
NASA Rockets Pen Out of This World
This image demonstrates the creative strategy of combination. To create a 'pen rocket' I combined the image of a spaceship rocketing to outer space with a calligraphy pen. To make the pen look like a rocket, I reshaped the pen to that of a rocket and left the surrounding space and rocket flares in place. The combination looks like a pen is rocketing into outer space. 
Journalist, A New Snake in the Grass
The challenge of this image was to change, swap, or refocus the material of the chosen object, which was a calligraphy pen. Here I took the same calligraphy pen used in the other images but this time changed the pen's black shiny plastic to snakeskin. I added a few fun touches to make the pen look like a snake winding through the tall grass and associated it with journalists who spread false news and ideas. 
Dry Analogies Wets Disharmony
I used the creative strategy of juxtaposition for this image. The picture is divided between dry and wet with the calligraphy pen placed in the center. One side shows dry ink markings while on the other side, the ink spreads through the water. Placed side by side, they show the contrast of wet and dry. I then created a title that I hoped would also demonstrate contrast. 
Metaphor-Don't Kill the Messenger
Chances are you've heard the saying, "Don't kill the messenger." In this image two men are battling, one with a sword and the other a pen. Placing the sword and pen together as weapons created a metaphor or figure of speech. The creative strategy used here is called a metaphor or simile.
Red Pens Get Bad Rap
The creative strategy of isolation is easy to identify in this image. I swapped the calligraphy pen used in the other images for everyday pens. Working with pens in this project made me think of the negative discipline that is associated with red pens. So in this image, I changed one pen to red and titled it 'Red Pens Get Bad Rap' because I think most grade school teachers used a red pen to teach and correct. It's the few that used it to belittle or berate that gave the red pen a bad rap. 
Good Penmanship Draws Path of Opportunity
In this image, I created a pen drawing a highway (or path). Placing a huge pen above a forest as if it were drawing changed the environment in which a pen is typically used. The pen placed in this new context allowed me to give the image title of 'Good Penmanship Draws Path of Opportunity' in which I truly believe to be true.
Understanding the Seven Creative Strategies

Understanding the Seven Creative Strategies
