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Impotence and Smoking: What's the Connection?

Can Smoking Cigarettes Cause Impotence?
Impotence, or erectile dysfunction, can be caused by a variety of physical and psychological causes. Cigarette smoking is one of them. It's unsurprising, given that smoking damages blood vessels, and ED is frequently caused by a lack of arterial blood supply to the penis. Fortunately, quitting smoking will certainly improve your vascular and sexual health and function.

The impact of cigarette chemicals on the blood vessels of the penis pose a risk to your erectile health when you smoke. When the arteries in the penis get impulses from the nerves in the penis, they expand and fill with blood, causing an erection. Sexual arousal impulses from the brain cause the nerves to respond. Even if the neurological system is in good shape, an erection may be impossible to achieve if the blood vessels are diseased as a result of smoking.
Cigarettes burn holes in your pocket.
Be smart. Don't start.
Impotence and Smoking: What's the Connection?

Impotence and Smoking: What's the Connection?
