Moeses King's profile

Welcome to the Museum of Geological Findings.

Welcome To The Geology Museum!
NO. 1
Lava Rock —
Warning: Do Not Touch! 
Scientist were able to bring this rock to museum where the lava is still active within the rock.
Too hot to handle, but feel free to follow the QR code, because yes it does work! Ha! 

NO. 2
Extraterrestrial Alien Rock —
Strange Things are bound to happen this rock was discovered after crash landing from falling star having a highly active and eerily glow.

NO. 3
The Deep Blue Exhibit
This stone is was hard to capture and hard to take a good look at as for some reason it won’t sit still. It’s quite a sight and just like where it was found not much is known about it. 🌊
Welcome to the Museum of Geological Findings.


Welcome to the Museum of Geological Findings.
