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ISTD: Invisible Cities (Imra Toefy)

ISTD, known as, International Society of Typographic Designers is run by professional typographers, graphic designers and educators. Their aim is to keep the standards of typography, the adaption and creativity of it to graphic design. 

Referencing Italo Calvino's book, "Invisible Cities", I selected  four cities minimum to tell a tale. In this brief, I look at a comparison of these cities within a South African context.

Invisible Cities is a travelogue to places that do not exist. It is a work that brushes aside conventions of form and narrative to ruminate on ideas of memory and place, touching on everything from trajectory of civilizations to the limits of communication.

- Book has no genre.
- Can relate to peoples memories of travelling or dreams of cities (surreal).
- It is a pulse of a dream, Calvino tries to get the exact feeling of a city in that specific time
- Marco begins to tell Kublai Khan about all his fantastical cities that he’s seen.
- Khan doesn’t believe everything Marco tells him about his empire however, he realises he won’t ever understand his terrorities so he becomes melancholy.
- Eventually, Kublai accepts that he will never truly understand his empire. - All cities 55 cities described holds feminine names.

“The novel introduces Kublai Khan as a powerful leader, intent on learning about every city in his empire so that he may more fully control the empire.”

This concept will have a gradual effect for each page, it will start off with horrid and end off with victory. Kublai shows traits of a powerful leader/president that thinks his empire is balanced, however he does not know the truth about any of it. Marco, the traveller reports back to him about what his kingdom is really like, some cities are amazing and beautiful while others are built to bring destruction. With the concept, each city represents what South Africa has gone through during apartheid mixed with current issues that are still occurring.  The segregation of socio-economic groupings, poverty, 'femicide' of women and the voices of the people. However, this is conveyed in the story of apartheid from the middle to the end but will reflect on how history still repeats itself in different ways, where the bad somehow always gets power. Introducing each city will be opened with well-known politicians, so that it creates a better understanding of the story.

- Kublai seems similar to a powerful president or leader, such as South Africa.
- Indenial of the worst parts of a country/empire.

- Travellers, 28-38
- They are wanting to leave South Africa with an educational but interesting book.
- Tone must be very subtle, they need to figure out the story.

Printing Process: Screen Printing
Binding: Saddle Stich
Method: Hand Bound, mustard thread

Signatures: 12 pages
Material: 160 grams, Matte paper

Cover: 400 gram hardboard
Material: Hardcover case wrap

ISTD: Invisible Cities (Imra Toefy)

ISTD: Invisible Cities (Imra Toefy)


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