Unstable Equilibrium​​​​​​​
Unstable Equilibrium was an interactive installation exhibited at the W.I.P Show at Royal College of Art, February 2018.

Unstable Equilibrium explores how we passively consume digital information and get trapped in habitual, infinite scroll interaction with social media and other apps.

It achieves that by exaggerating the intersection of digital and analogue interaction. By materialising the digital interaction and digitising physical force, it makes the scrolling tangible, visible and obvious to the artwork participators. 

The experience of wheel is designed to be engaging, responsive and easy to grasp hence people from varied backgrounds and of varied ages can participate. 

Finally, this project questions the value of digital image and manifest that the only way to appreciate digital information is to pause the constant steam of data and appreciate what is shown to us. Question arises, are those images worth sacrificing our priceless time and attention?

Photography by Natalia Mietkiewicz​​​​​​​
Unstable Equilibrium


Unstable Equilibrium


Creative Fields