The puffin bird, a digital painting created with Photoshop CS6 and Wacom Cintiq 13HD tablet.
Painting this bird was done as a (free) commission for a great artist: Alexandra Davidoff (, be sure to check her out!
Created by Richard Eijkenbroek.
Below you can check out the different phases of this project.
Started of with searsching for references of a puffin bird. The walking puffin bird looked so cute and more interesting to paint, so that had to be it. 
Next I added basic coloring and shading.
Next step was to work out the details of the puffin bird. Little lighting effects, hairs and such.
Almost finished here... I thought it would be nicest if he'd walk on the shore at a sunset scenery. As you see I set up basic light coloring and composition here of the surroundings. The final result is shown on top! Hope you enjoy.
The Puffin Bird

The Puffin Bird

The puffin bird. I painted this as a (free) commission for Alexandra Davidoff (
