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Take Your Meds Prototype

Take Your Meds was a prototype for an in home medication reminder system for older adults.
The Problem:
Take Your Meds  was designed to address two problems concering prescitipion medications and older adults.
The first problem is the question of when to take a certain medication during the day.  Older adults can have several prescription medications they need to take that need to be taken at veyr specific times of day to be effective. Unless they have an external reminder or memory aid, they can take the wrong medication at the wrong time.
The scond problem is that older adults may not remember which medications and the dosages of said medications they took in the past. By providing an external reminder, the older adult does not have to rely on their internal memory of what medication they were prescribed.
The Users: 
The primary users of this product would be older adults. These users would be using this system for two purposes. First to remind themelves of when to take a medication. Second, and more importantly, to provide them a support system that would allow them to live independently for as long as possible.
The secondary users of this product are the caregivers of the primary users. This groups includes adult children and nurses who come in contact with the primary user. The secondary user would use the product to achieve two goals. First to learn which medications the primary user is supposed to use when. Second, to learn which medications the user has previously taken.
Pictured above is the home screen of theTake Your Meds Prototype. The prototype was built in HTML to support an iterative user testing strategy. The first round of testing would focus solely on the user's ability to navigate to different features in the system.
The home screen would present the user with clear indicaiton of which features were available for them to interact with. A header menu bar would provide the user with the ability to quickly navigate to priority features.
This is a screen shot of the Current Medications page of the prototype. The user could see the name of the medication they were taking, the current dosage, when they were supposed to take it and the name of the prescribing doctor.
This is a screen shot of the Previous Medications page. The user would be presented with similar information to what was presented on the Current Medications  screen, but with a few minor changes. The informaiton on the Previous Medications page would include the dates the drug was taken to help the user remember when they were prescribed a drug.
This is a screen shot of the Add or Subtract Medications page. The user could enter drug information which could be added or deleted.
This is a screen shot of the Reference Materials page of the protoype. This page provides the user with detailed descriptions of the features provided and links to the relevant pages.
Take Your Meds Prototype

Take Your Meds Prototype

A passive medical reminder system for older adults
