Alec Aguinaga's profile

Your Universal PaperBoy

My project I've been working on is a dedication to the idea of the multiverse as well as combining different stories to overall make a greater overarching narrative, but above all else, it's also a dedication to the friends and artists I've met over the past year who's creativity and overall personalities have inspired me to create new and amazing artworks.

The story revolves around a PaperBoy and the Conductor and their battle through the multiverse. Where old and new foes surface to break free and wreak chaos on these newly accessible worlds.
Basic Storyline/Script

-The night sky is filled with the beautiful lights of the stars, as the only other noticeable light emanates from the “Multimedia Auditorium”, a place where all platforms of art and talent is expressed and united-
A symphonic melody fills the room. As the audience is entranced by it’s perfect balance of the orchestra’s sections.
(The camera rotates around the grand auditorium, showing the thousands of eyes and ears sitting in delight, as the camera finally rests on the puppeteer of the music’s origin.) 
The Conductor continues, as their plan is now aligning, now just to wait for the final piece to the setup.

Exasperated a 2 dimensional being pushes the doors open. The Conductor doesn’t even turn, they just continue the piece as it says on the music sheet.
PB- “Hold on!”
Pleads the paper being known by all as “PaperBoy”, as he must know something the audience does not.

Given PaperBoy’s expressed worry and the trust he’s declared with the community members in the audience, they grow concerned among the crowd. Fear and anxiousness overtakes the crowd, attention is now on PB as he charges toward the stage. The now aggravated Conductor turns their head only to deal with him as he turned out to be more trouble than help. 

In an attempt to appeal to the Conductor’s humanity PaperBoy announces,
PB- “You need to understand what you’re doing wo- ah-”

But he’s quickly interrupted by the impact of the musical genius’ grand melody magic as it streams down the isles and catches him completely off guard. 
(Camera rushes through isles with a purple glow emanating from it until reaching the ground beneath PB, in which the camera then rushes toward his scared dot eyes before the impact causes the point of view to shift towards behind the viewing Conductor.)

The Conductor, having thought they’d taken care of the problem, naively turns around before PaperBoy crashes into the back of the musical marvel, attempting to interrupt his plan by interfering with the symphony.

Conductor- “Enough of your medaling! You’ll cause our despair!”
Tossing PB to the ground the Conductor aims his sword towards him in an attempt to keep the papery being at bay. 
Conductor- “Now is the time to cease and accept what is to b-”

(Camera shaking)
A rumbling begins, the melody had been interrupted too many times during the fight, now no longer is it the “Melody of Unity”. 
Conductor- “Chaos’ Chime....”
The Conductor utters in a dry, concerned tone.
A twinkle of light shines from the dark rafters where the stage lights hang. The Conductor still distracted, PaperBoy latches on and attempt to fight the baton out of their hand as he waits for his sister, Corrina, to help subdue them.

(camera panning around them as audience members storm the stage to help)
Corrina shoots down from the ceiling to end the fight before a barrier sparks around the two while they remain too distracted to notice.

The auditorium, the audience, the symphony members, even Corrina disappear, all that’s left is a mist-covered abyss that catches the two so off guard that they lose focus and go plummeting into.

(Camera holding still as PaperBoy is tumbling through the skies)
PaperBoy, in his discombobulation is unable to orbit his way out of the sky safely, he plummets. Scared and preparing for the eventual impact, he’s again caught off guard by his sister catching him midair and digging her arm into a local cliffside to slow their descent.
(Camera shakes as the rock cracks in Corrina’s actions)
PaperBoy (Classic Universe)
PaperBoy is a paper being born from the wish of a lost astronaut. He’s got a heart (or star) of golden light that longs for adventure and meeting new friends along the way.
His star acts as a soul for his papery body, which can always come back as long as long as he is wished for/needed/remembered. And being born from the stars, he has many galactic abilities such as; orbiting objects/himself, launching himself high in the air, and low gravity. 
His one consistent family member is his older sister; Corrina.
His main motivation is to gain an understanding of these new worlds and learn why the villains of his pasts have returned to wreak havoc. But most of all figure out why the Conductor is trying to combine the universes together.
Corrina (Super Hikaru RPG Universe)
Corrina is a half cat being, born from the fragment of a powerful comet, she acts as PaperBoy’s older sister/guardian. 
Usually a heroic fighter prepared for any fight, this version appears to be quite skilled as a mechanic in a somewhat more fantasy based world.
She possesses great physical strength and speed along with more enhanced versions of PaperBoy’s skills. Such as being able to launch herself and soar through the air and create create shockwaves with a single action.
Her main motivation is to help the new PaperBoy put an end to this multiversal chaos and get everything back in order. However protecting her PB will always come first.
The Conductor (??? Universe)
They are a being of unknown origin. Seemingly showing up out of nowhere, their presence became world renown completely overnight in the music world.
They’re talent is not just beautiful to the ear, but some would consider it unworldly. They appear to be able to manipulate surrounding areas with the categories of their symphony.
And taking a special look at their sheet music, each of their pieces contain leitmotifs of an ancient piece titled “The Melody of Unity”, a song that many have been warned to never attempt unless they’re certain of their skills.
Their motivations are unknown to the heroes of this stories, however later in the story it is shown that his drive to combine worlds originates from the loss of their closest loved one, who is the true writer of the "Song of Unity". Which was to be a reminder of their strong connection to one another. 
This is the storyboarding depicting the confrontation/struggle between PaperBoy and the Conductor. 
This animation is to showcase/experiment with PaperBoy's movement and personality. Mainly it demonstrates how PaperBoy is the embodiment of Video Game mascots of the platforming genre.
Your Universal PaperBoy

Your Universal PaperBoy
