Emelina Kraeutler's profile

Photography Projects

Photography Projects 2021
     Sun-kissed Flower                                    Fallen Pinecone 
   Frosted Blades                              Pine and Sap
The Wait
    I love being outside, so most of my photos were inspired by nature. The photos taken of the outdoors were each inspired by a different aspect of nature, each unique in their own way. Since I don't have a professional camera, my phone is the best I can do. Although I am no professional, I enjoy taken pictures of things that interest me in the moment, whatever it may be. 

     “The Wait” is one of my favorite photos from the bunch, even if it's not environmentally themed. There is no particular theme or story for the picture, it is really up to the viewer to decide what they feel from it. To me, it looks as though a woman has finally sat down after a night out, reflecting on her life and waiting for answers. Though my camera isn't perfect, I felt it captured what I truly saw. 
Photography Projects

Photography Projects
