Mhamad Salih's profile

GPS, Gyro, Accel, Baro, Temp measurement System

Hooked up an Arduino Micro, a GPS sensor module, a digital I2C Accelerometer,  Barometric and a temperature sensor.
Decided to start programming the Arduino to communicate with the accelerometer, just to warm up my I2C skills. Easier said than done.
Eventually, (after 2 boxes of pizzas and countless trips to the washroom) I managed to get accurate data on the X, Y and Z axis of  the accelerometer. One thing I hadn't known was that it even measures gravity! (who knew?)
Now started to work with the GPS sensor module, I had no idea what I was going into...
Raw, unparsed GPS data gathered from multiple tracked satellites.
At first, I was surprised that the measured position via GPS (red pin) was a few kilometers off of my actual location (blue pin). I got pretty mad since the GPS sensor claimed it had an accuracy of +/- 1.8m!
Turns out later (after 2 hours of debugging, and going crazy) that I had made a calculation error, the values triangulated by tracking 4+ satelites equate to deg, min, and seconds while I had thought they were decimal degree Latitude and Longitude all this time.
Found my exact position, upstairs in my room, programming with a hunched back infront of a computer.
Added an RTC, Gyroscope and a microSD card read/write for storing data.
Reading data off of the Accelerometer, Gyroscope and GPS module.
GPS, Gyro, Accel, Baro, Temp measurement System

GPS, Gyro, Accel, Baro, Temp measurement System

Using numerous sensors to model an object in motion.


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