While I’ve been painting since I was a kid, Sculpture is something that always intrigued me but I was too afraid to try. As a kid, I’ve created structures using clays, Legos, etc. but eventually lost touch with this art form. Off lately I tried my hand at ceramic sculptures and it was the most exciting thing I had done this whole year. Creating something from nothing and giving it the 3D structure is a way different experience than painting on a canvas and I loved it. From Preparing the Mud to firing the sculptures to glazing it. I learned everything from scratch and fell in love with this art form. Not having any access to furnaces, a group of students’ sets up a workshop with a sculpture professor at an art college on the terrace of one of our places. We then set up a temporary furnace with all the proper safety measures and bought all the materials and tools required.  Getting to learn the entire process was one of a kind experience.

The torso of the woman was the First Ceramic sculpture I made to understand how the moulding of the ceramic clay works. It was more of a study work of the female body and it represents how women are objectified based on their bodies and appearances and how scarring it can be as a woman to be subjected to it throughout her life.
The Second sculpture shows the face of a woman with her eyes shut. Her hair is ordained with beautiful flower petals. The flowers are a symbol of vulnerability, grace, and delicacy of women but are metallic to show are these are traits that make a woman strong and shouldn’t be mistaken as things that make women fragile. The Blue colour dripping down the face represents society’s expectations and burdens of a woman and their struggle to be treated as equals in this society. The copper paint dripping down over that shows that slowly change is coming and there is always hope and reason to look forward to better days in the future as however small the change may be, it’s significant.

The Third piece is very close to my heart but equally scary and alarming. I’ve Scuba Dived twice in my life at famous and beautiful diving sites of Bangkok and Bali. While I was awestruck and mesmerized by the whole different world that exists beyond our sights in the depths of our oceans, it’s extremely scary to think about the coral reefs and marine life due to the increase in pollution and rising temperatures of the ocean. The beautiful coral reefs are getting damaged and are disappearing at an alarming rate and it's high time we do something about it or our future generations wouldn't have the privilege to witness and experience that exists beyond our imagination. I made this piece to raise awareness about the coral reefs. They used to be more colourful they are now and are getting damaged more and more due to climate change. I’ve given the sculpture a metallic glaze using colours and effects to show corrosion and rust on the surface. The corroding metallic coral is a symbol of the corroding, damaging, and disappearing coral reefs that we need to protect at all costs.
Ceramic Sculptures


Ceramic Sculptures
