The Arduino Dragon
I created this dragon to add atmosphere to my room using my style of art and a light show. Incense can be inserted into the mouth for a more realistic dragon effect and a good smelling room. 
This dragon is a hand built ceramic sculpture which encapsulates an Arduino, LEDs, a microphone, an IR reader, and a battery pack.
An IR remote is used to change the states of the LEDs which includes 6 states: a microphone sensitive state that reacts to music, a rainbow state, and 4 different colored fire patterns.
This dragon became a passion project for me as I put in around 60 hours of work. I have always loved dragons and they have been a "hello world" of sorts for my art. Being able to carry my 2D style into 3D has made me extremely happy along with the fun of interactive lights bringing my creation to life.
Putting the wings on the dragon- one fell and broke
The dragon being placed into the kiln with all my hopes and dreams.
The completed form before being fired.
Prepping the surface for scales
Right after attaching the head
Working on stability and trying to figure out the head
Three legged dragon waiting for its tail
first completed foot
secondary sketch detailing the entire plan
preliminary sketches

The Arduino Dragon

The Arduino Dragon
