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Good Molecules Redesign

Good Molecules
Good Molecules is an e-commerce skincare brand that focuses on simple products at fair prices. The products use ingredients that are backed by science and are therefore proven to be effective. Good Molecules was founded by skin care professionals who were passionate about making highly effective skincare affordable. The company works with highly respective labs to develop novel formulas that target a wide array of skin concerns. The broad selection of effective and affordable products makes Good Molecules an exceptionally inclusive brand.

What product does the Good Molecules site sell?
The Good Molecules website sells only the Good Molecule Brand products. Their line of skin care products includes cleansers, toners, serums, moisturizers, treatments, cleansing mitts, soap trays, and hand sanitizers.

Project Overview
The objective of this project is to redesign the Good Molecules website to improve the design, appeal, use, and user experience. These improvements are measurable via user interviews, surveys, and quantitative data. This goal is to create purposeful design adjustments that tailor the site to the needs of the user.

Target Audience
Good Molecules’ target audience is millennials and “gen-z” American women with a focus on beauty and self-care. The brand’s audience is skincare savvy and is familiar with popular skincare ingredients and their benefits as made evident by the verbiage used by the company. The brand targets young women who are looking to build their skincare routine and have knowledge of how products work but aren’t looking to make a significant investment. The brand also targets audiences with specific skincare concerns that they are looking to resolve. They recognize themselves as an effective skincare brand and target an audience that will experience noticeable changes in their skin.

Problem At Hand
Good Molecules has branded itself to be an inclusive company in terms of both product range and affordability. The company itself has done an excellent job creating packaging and digital marketing material that matches their brand voice and appeals to their target audience. The problem, however, is that their website does not feel like their brand. The company’s website fails to include the multitude of vibrant colours and graphics that Good Molecules are known for. In its current state, the website conflicts with the company’s branding efforts, making for an inconsistent and confusing user experience.

Design Strategy
The strategy for the redesign of Good Molecules is to create a positive user experience. The text must be readable and organized, headings should be clear, and information must have an identifiable hierarchy. A clean sans serif font will define headers to match the Good Molecules logo and create a fresh and energetic feel. Sans serif fonts create a modern and youthful feel, which will cater well to the target audience. It is integral that the website feels like the audience the products’ target. For this reason, the sans serif headers will be paired with different sans serif body copy to add interest to the text and create a contrasting font pair.

Good Molecules uses their product names as a way of promoting the main effective ingredient in the formula. Product names may sound intimidating to customers and as a result, other elements of the website should feel exciting and welcoming to
counteract this already existing element. Introducing a variety of colours, shapes, and elements will create a youthful and inviting feel that will diminish any feeling of intimidation and attract the brand’s young audience. The brand’s social media accounts and packaging are quite bright and colourful and I feel as though the website should embrace some of the assets and design elements used by the brand.
Why will my redesign be effective?

My redesign aims at creating a consistent user experience across all of Good Molecules’ platforms. By creating a website that matches the brand’s tone and its existing print and digital marketing, I will be boosting brand recognition. Furthermore, my redesign will excite customers, grab their attention, and help them feel comfortable shopping for skincare.
Wireframes are my usual first step in a digital design process as they help to establish function. I feel it is imperative to have the functionality of the site thought out and developed prior to the rest of the design elements. This ensures that the site is easy to navigate from the users perspective. 
In 2021, it's second nature to use our mobile devices to browse the web. For that reason, I created responsive pages that adjust for a mobile display. Click to view each mobile page in full. 
Good Molecules Redesign

Good Molecules Redesign
