Assignment 2: Book specimen
Minh Khoa Vu (Kevin)

For this assignment, my job is to create a 16 pages book specimen included front and back cover. The book I chose is "Kidnapped" by Robert Louis Stevenson (I have a small mistake while making the cover of the book when I accidentally put down the director name of the movie that was transfer from the book).


Final Design
This assignment help me understand more how to work with the layout and design of the book page. After this, my Indesign skill have been level up and become more master of the Illustrator. While doing the sketches, it gives me more idea to come up as the final design as the front cover. I believe sketch process help me improve the mindset and refresh the ideas every time I sketch. In conclusion, my skill have been gaining through out the year by each assignment and hope I can use these skills in my future career.
Book Specimen

Book Specimen
