Stank Suits evolved from an early variation of a shirt I made. That is so crazy to think about for me. I guess because this is the first time I have gone through this process from start to finish. Early on is this design process I struggled to get a grasp on the design I wanted. This was because I was not allowing myself to be creative and confident; I hesitated with the decisions I made. Eventually, I found the path I wanted to take. I felt as if I was being bound by the columns and grids of  InDesign. I took my talents to Procreate to get the illustrative design I wanted without worrying about type. Once I was happy with the design I took the file into InDesign and went to town with the type. Type is definitely an area I need to practice but I am happy with the result here. I think allowing myself to be creative is what is going to aid me a lot in my journey through the world of Graphic Design. 
Catalog Sketches/Comps
Collateral Tight Comps and Sketches 
Business Card Final 
Business Cards Tight Comps 
Business Card Sketches 
Stank Suits

Stank Suits
