30th november - week 11 
learning teams 

todays learning team was very helpful ,it made me aware of what i needed to improve on and it made me aware of my progress and how we'll i was doing . 

at this stage in the project , i  need to begin the finishing off process and polish off my branding , meaning i should be making it less consistent and more simple. 

these are the notes i made during my time in the learning team , it gives me a good idea of what i need to do in time for assessment , 
my tutor suggested i look on pentagram ,which is website dedicated to design , and the brand idenity side of it, i saw that a lot of brands use simcity and consistency to make a strong brand , and they also use a range of typefaces for different uses. 
i found a brand called moth on the website , they used a steady use of colour palette , typeface and logo , therefore creating a strong brand people can recognise , the brand logo isn repeated too much and so it gives everything space to breath.

i want my brand to have similar characeistsics ,so this website has helped alot 

week 11 , tuesday

week 11 , tuesday


Creative Fields