Amoolya Bhat's profile

'ARTH' - Logo Design + Packaging Design

We live in a world of fast depleting natural resources and it is our responsibility to preserve and protect what we can. #doyourbit
'ARTH' was born with this purpose, to create fully natural, plant-based cleaning products that can be decomposed easily by the earth, while delivering the same level of cleaning as our current products. 

Design- wise we decided to go with a organic route with the logo and the packaging.

Final Logo Design
Breakdown of the design process is given below.
Final shortlisted designs with 'green' color options 
The label was designed to be a bit more 'rounded' , not rectangular and one of the tips taking a point to give the label a leaf-like design.
Packaging concept design
Final Format Design with color options
Final Mock-Up
Finalised design for packaging
'ARTH' - Logo Design + Packaging Design


'ARTH' - Logo Design + Packaging Design
