Kirsten Russell's profile

ILL1.1 Perceptual principles and media (line)

ILL 1.1 Perceptual Principles and Mead 1 (line)
Brief summary:
The project and the activities were structured to ensure that we became familiar with the values of drawing, such as: the value of seeing, general drawing principles for establishing good drawing habits, working at a fast pace in order to develop confidence for approaching, more complex tasks in later projects and optimal worksheet composition utilization (to avoid wasting paper). We learnt how to instill life into drawings by the use of sensitive and various mark making techniques and to purposefully be aware and active in drawing. This project taught us how to perceive and draw edges, how to perceive and draw spaces and how to perceive and draw relationships. Our work was evaluated by how well we used enthusiasm for experimental and adventurous exploration in a broad range of media, our ability to apply theory explained for each exercise, our progressive improvement in working pace, our commitment to undertaking self-driven, self-directed and in-depth visual research initiatives and finally our sense of professional conduct as a class attendance, respecting deadlines and time management. 

Project deliverables:
> Exercise A1: Abstract Thinking (10 min x2). A3 cartridge paper, ink and brush.
> Exercise A2: Warm-up line drawing of organic material (10 min). Divided A3 cartridge paper in half, graphite pencils.
> Exercise A3: Blind contour drawing of organic material (10 min). Divided A3 cartridge paper in half, graphite pencils.
> Exercise A4: Vases and faces (15 min each). 2x A4 cartridge paper, graphite pencils.
> Exercise A5: Up-side down drawing of Picasso (20 min). A4 cartridge paper, graphite pencils.
> Exercise C6: Toilet roll drawing (1 hour). A3 cartridge paper, charcoal. 
> Exercise B1: The anatomy of ellipses (15 min). A3 sheets of cartridge paper, graphite pencils.
> Exercise B2: The anatomy of ellipses (15 mins). A3 sheets of cartridge paper, graphite pencils. 
> Exercise B3: The anatomy of ellipses (15 min). A3 sheets of cartridge paper, graphite pencils. 
> Exercise B4: Axial structures of cylindrical objects (30 min). A3 cartridge paper, graphite pencils.
> Exercise B5: Fetching line (20 min x2). A3 cartridge paper, charcoal.
> Exercise B6: Plant synthesis drawing (30 min). A3 cartridge paper, brush and ink.
> Exercise B7: Inventory of line types (30 min). A3 cartridge paper, graphite sticks.
> Exercise B8: Inventory of textures (30 min). A3 cartridge paper, graphite sticks.
> Exercise B9: Principles of the golden rule (1 hour).
> Exercise C1: Beautiful line composition (1 hour and 15 min). A3 cartridge paper, brush and ink.
> Exercise C2: Clouds from observation. A3 cartridge paper, charcoal and smudge tools.
> Exercise C3: Positive and negative plant shapes (1 hour). A3 cartridge paper, ink and brush.
> Exercise C4: Beautiful line composition (1 hour and 15 min). A3 cartridge paper, charcoal sticks 

Design strategy:
This was our first project of the year as design students, at this point we didn't have much opportunity to go do our own independent research for these projects. For these projects it was more about taking in the theory, listening and watching demonstrations and listening to the guidance of our lecturer, in order for us to complete our projects and activities successfully. With that being said my design strategy was, taking notes where I could in my journal, to help me and remind me how to complete tasks successfully. These notes then could also be used for future projects. I made sure to pay attention to my lecturers instructions and demonstrations on how the projects and activities should be done. I then completed the projects to the best of my ability, taking in any critiques or constructive criticism from my peers and lecturer. I also re-did projects I thought were not up to standard. I was able to look at my peers work and compare mine to theirs and evaluate whether my work was up to par with the rest of the class. If I felt that my work wasn't in line with the standard of everyone else's work. I would start over. My lecturer also gave me guidance as to if I should re-do certain works.

Notes taken during the project 
Week one reflection
All ellipses work

ILL1.1 Perceptual principles and media (line)

ILL1.1 Perceptual principles and media (line)


Creative Fields