6 Words Story in Paper Pop-Up Installation
The Process
Concept and Planning
I wanted for people to create their own flow of story from the installation that I make. Make them interested with the final product but still leave a lingering feeling to create their own dots of story. Therefore, I planned the 6 words story that helps the audience with the big flow of what is going on in the artwork and do mapping for the installation for it to pop-up.
One of the most important thing (for me :')) in this kind of artwork is this step, prototyping. I really don't know how many prototype I have made to finally finalise this one as the final (hehe). However, this is kind of interesting because I learn a lot just from the prototype, for example how we should decide one line that is actually from one source (which is the middle of the paper) and count the height (if we want it to have different fold for some parts) before folding. It will lead to uneven height or even you cannot fold your paper if you have wrong calculation. 
Color Draft 
Another important thing before do the final product is checking the color and composition. I do it in normal paper just so I 
I really want to learn more about documenting my product. Because I feel like I could improve more on this area and I 
Fallen Kingdom


Fallen Kingdom
