Milena Stanimirović's profile

Indoor vertical garden

Indoor vertical garden
Master’s degree Final Project of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, 2021.
Mentor: professor Dušan Nešić
The idea behind this project was to try to reconnect people who live and work in urban areas with nature. Plants have a huge impact on life quality and stress reduction on people who cultivate them. Interaction with greenery in apartments, offices, schools, restaurants and other urban places is important for mental health as well as physical health, in terms of eating organic veggies and herbs. Creative process was developed using principles of design thinking methodology.​​​​​​​
Discovery process is used to determine exact design problem that is going to be addressed. In this phase thorough research has been done, with emphasis on people’s habits and behavior and same technical issues in hydroponic and vertical gardening systems.
The first step is to understand needs and to empathize with potential user which is fundamental for user centered design. Defining a design problem establishes the design criteria.
Ideation process uses some of the creativity techniques, like brainstorming, combined with sketching and experimenting with different materials. The goal is to make a large amount of different ideas and concepts.
Going back to analytical thinking and initial questions, concepts are narrowed down to one that is most likely to meet users needs and to answer established design problem. At this stage initial idea is being elaborated by rethinking all the technical and aesthetical details.
Concept testing through iteration between users and prototype. Collecting feedback and adjusting assumptions. This phase might lead back to ideation and selection of another concept. Repeating the process is always a good thing, because that establishes truly good design. This phase still has to come, so stay tuned…
Indoor vertical garden