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Advice for a new preschool teacher
TYC assistants Louis Mark Romei, Holly Seplocha, and Laura Colker answered the question: "What is your advice for a new places to take preschoolers near me teacher?" During a session on school strategies, a question and answer session was held. Together they shared 10 suggestions.

Your first teaching job is both interesting and terrifying. You will have some good days and some more challenging ones. Like children, we learn from our experiences. There are many tips for new teachers. Here are our:

1. Be prepared and organized.
This means having content for the whole group and small group activities as well as centers. It also means being prepared for accidents like slipping, accidents, and runny noses. This means keeping hygiene and safety in mind: washing your hands on arrival and throughout the day. Dining table disinfection and disinfection; Holding tissues and gloves in hand; Stop poisoning and anything else that is said to be out of reach of children.

2. Establish a regular routine and schedule.
Keep group gatherings short. Remember that children's attention varies and they learn through play and active engagement. Read every day Restrict migration. Balance the amount of time your child has started and the time of adult support, along with active and quiet time. Classroom management is often a problem for new teachers. Many disciplines can be corrected by reviewing your schedule and environment so that problems can be prevented before they occur. While it is important to have a regular routine, it is also important to be flexible. If children are not interested or not working, change plans. Develop a partnership with your assistant. He or she can make your job easier or more difficult. Discuss your roles at the beginning of the year, as well as the expectations of each part of the schedule. Solve problems when they are small and don't save them from the inside and mutter.

3. Become an Explorer.
See things as fresh and new. Children will see your enthusiasm. Expand your interests.

Ask open-ended questions (I wonder what would happen if; how did you do it?). Respect children's thoughts, feelings and ideas. Enjoy yourself. You chose this profession for a reason. Enjoy every day. Don't worry if something doesn't work out as planned. Consider and learn from your experiences.

4. Get to know each child as a unique individual.
Every child is different and special. The best way to teach children is to understand them first. You should make children feel respected and valued by talking to them, observing them, and learning about them as a person. ۔ Find out what tickles each child. What are their interests, moods and learning styles? What is their motivation? How do they learn best? What skills and abilities do they have? What are their challenges? What are the special circumstances that affect them? It is possible to teach children in a way that utilizes their strengths and increases their confidence and competence.

5. Be a deep and regular observer.
Observation is probably the teacher's best resource. Learn how to be an objective observer from the beginning. Take a factual look at what children do and say you build relationships. Best preschool programs near me, You learn what children are capable of doing developmentally, how they approach problem solving, how they spend their time, how they interact with others, and what they are learning. Are For teachers, observation serves many important purposes, including being able to monitor all of your children's growth and development, deciding whether or not to change the environment, and determining whether Do you need to change your curriculum to better serve children? The better observer you are, the more expert you will become a teacher.

6. Keep your sense of humor close.
Teaching is a serious job; Probably nothing more important than that. But it's also fun. You want to never lose the joy of living with small children. When a child does something funny, share his joy. Laughing at funny poems makes sound awareness more entertaining and inspiring. Celebrating humor in a story book like Agatha's Feather Bed: Not Just Other Wild Goose Story (Carmen Agra Deedy) or singing like "I Know an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly" makes the experience even more memorable. It's easy to get obsessed with problems and think about the things you want to do differently. Humor, though, brings much-needed perspective. If you can keep your humor, you'll be a happier teacher - and, perhaps, a better one.

7. Be yourself.
Just as every child has his own personality, so do teachers. As you get to know how each child learns and experiences allow each child to get to know you. Let them know who you are. Opportunities for positive relationships will benefit children socially and emotionally. Work as a model of the relationships you want them to build with each other.

8. Experience.
Young children discover and experiment, and so should you. Try out new ideas you have. As you get to know the children, your plans for activities and areas of interest will change. Go with it, and always ask yourself, "Developmentally, is it appropriate? What do I want to achieve by planning / implementing it? The content and manipulation you provide for children Choose it carefully. Always keep in mind that the content should always be: A, workable and usable; B, related to your study and play goal; C, help children reach goals and objectives Deliberately implemented for

9. Reflect.
Engaging in self-reflection always leads to improvement. After doing something, ask yourself, "What happened to it? What didn't? Why? What can I do differently?" Don't worry if something doesn't work out the way you initially planned. Learning by doing is very effective, and when you reflect you give yourself a chance to improve.

10. Be patient.
It takes time to get into a new program or school. Give yourself time to adjust to those around you and peers, children and parents with whom you will come to communicate on a daily basis.

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