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Thimble with The Little Prince narrative

The little prince and the rose on his planet were attracted to each other. When they first met, the rose appeared as a pretentious girl. She said she was born at the same moment as the sun, and asked the little prince to consider her needs. She claimed that a tiger is not threatening to her since she got thorns as claws. But contrarily, she said she hated drafts and asked for a screen. The little prince thought she is not so modest that as a plant she wants to avoid wind. In fact, the rose said this is because she wanted caring from the one she loves and to build a connection with him.

When the little prince was about to leave, he remembered to put a glass globe on her as a screen. Although the rose said she doesn’t need it anymore, the little prince was thinking of bugs on his planet and tried to protect the rose from them. The tiger’s paw is a virtual enemy, but bugs are a real threat. They are different individuals, thinking in different dimensions. Their story paused because they didn’t understand what the other meant, but their affection for each other is real.
Thimble with The Little Prince narrative

Thimble with The Little Prince narrative


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