Advertising campaign for Morgana Sanderson
The aim is to publicize the store's five collections through different media and supports. The main focus is the creation of digital animations for each of the collections, explaining the history behind each jewel. This requires the creation of original illustrations with a style consistent with the identity.
Three of Swords
This collection draws inspiration from the three of swords from the tarot card. It is associated with the emotional pain that a person is going through due to certain situations, such as a heartbreak or the loss of a loved one.
It is a symbol of strength and improvement whose main message is that you can heal any wound even if you have a broken heart.
Musas is inspired by Lilith, one of the most iconic female figures in history.
"Lilith carved out her own stigma for deciding to be free, for wanting, naturally, to be equal to man, for wanting to abandon a paradise that for her was more like hell on earth"
This amulet is synonymous with freedom, equality and courage, in turn it helps us to love ourselves as we are by accepting both our light and our darkness.
Additionally, the main inspiration for this video has been Lady Lilith, a painting painted by Dante Gabriel Rosetti between 1866 and 1868.
This collection takes as its inspiration an ancient Greek legend about the origin of the phenomenon. It all begins when the love between Moon and Sun arises, but Aphrodite, also in love with Moon, decides to interpose herself. Therefore, the goddess of beauty separates them and generates great pain in the lovers, who can no longer enlighten each other. Faced with this unjust curse, Zeus appears to solve it, although in the end he is unable to eliminate it completely. But still, thanks to the magic that the god of lightning has produced, Sun and Moon have a chance to meet once more. This is how the eclipse is created, a moment to meet again, kiss and unite in the sky.
Each person has an element with which he is most connected, his element of power: fire, earth, air, water or spirit, which results from the union of the previous ones.

This necklace is an amulet in which it contains all the signs of the zodiac. Each of them causes an energy in the universe that affects and influences us. In this way, the Zodiac provides a balance between the cosmos and the individual.
A grimoire is "a book of magic formulas used by ancient sorcerers."
This collection is based on the magical books and the legends and stories they contain. Grimoire features three rings that help you find the witch inside you.
A ring that represents the “M” of Morgana and with it her philosophy: it symbolizes the power of the feminine force and helps you to believe in your power and your inner strength.
It is a ring inspired by the spell that has the same name, which helps to ward off the bad vibrations that are produced by your mind or by other people towards you. This amulet helps you focus on positive energies.
This ring is inspired by palmistry, or in other words, the palm reading. It is an ancient practice that consists of anticipating the future of a person by interpreting the signals that appear in the lines of the hands.
In this way, it is a symbol of strength that sends the message that we are capable of living our lives and creating our destiny.
The covers of the reels that will be published on Instagram have been designed. At the same time, an alternate feed has been created showing all the jewels.
Morgana campaign


Morgana campaign
