Personal Sewing and Costuming Projects
These are from various times over the last several years for various purposes, many are class projects while some are just for fun.
Elizabethan Gown--2006
This gown was one of the first things I flat patterned completely including all undergarments before I had any formal sewing training.
X3 Dark Phoenix-2007
The corset was a class project for sewing and the coat was made to complete the outfit for an event in spring 2007.  The design is based on the Dark Phoenix/Jean Grey costume used at the end of "X-3, The Last Stand."  Additionally, I dyed the pants to match, the boots and undershirt were purchased.  It was hot that day and didn't realize until after the photo was taken that my sleeves were rolled, they actually are full length.
Personal Sewing

Personal Sewing

Personal costume items and sewing projects from over the years, check back often for what else I make!
