Ever since I was young, I depended on media for my value systems. Concepts like what a girl's appearance should be, how a teenager should act, and what a perfect life looked, were what I depended on in the media for guidance. Because of what people have said, I have often felt insecure and confused about reality, people, and my identity. I became a people pleaser and still struggle with it today. However, God has been realigning my values and beliefs ever since I accepted Him into my life. Before, I would fumble about for guidance, but now I look to God's value system for approval. God has given me direction in life.
I wanted to show that through my artwork. The paper boat became a symbol of remaining in God's Word and promises while being in the murky waters of this dark society, where the internet's opinion intoxicates us. While the sun shining upon the girl symbolizes God shining and guiding me to His path as I bask in His love and grace.
Remain in Him

Remain in Him
