Paula Scomazzon's profile

Induction cell phone charger

Project developed for the graduation work, using the methodology for developing circular economy oriented products. The charger operates by electromagnetic induction and is made of bamboo and green polymer.

The problem
How to design a durable cell phone charger that runs at its highest level of utility and value for the longest time, and integrates the cycles of the circular economy without becoming waste?

User needs
Using the shadowing technique, 3 individuals were observed in contact with cell phone chargers, without influencing their activity or announcing that they were being observed. One of them used the charger in the car, another at a meeting of friends, and the third was looking for a borrowed charger because he had forgotten his on a flight. From the investigation, insights about the needs of these users were listed:

1. Provide a way to use the cell phone you are charging from a greater distance;
2. Carry the device in the bag without weakening the cables and connection points between two parts;
3. Make small repairs possible in case of damage when handling or transporting the product;
4. Facilitate the loan of a charger in case of loss or malfunction;
5. Speed up the distribution of a new product in case of emergency due to loss of the device.

Then, an investigation into non-toxic and renewable materials was conducted. As a suggestion for application in this product, green polyethylene, bamboo and polymeric wood were analyzed.

Materials: Inductive base made of bamboo. Cable and connector made of green polymer. Vegetable glue for joining of the pieces and vegetable varnish for protection and coating of bamboo.

Manufacturing: Industrial disassembly robots; Manufacturing on demand; Sale of separate components;

Usage: When handling and transporting the product, the user is less likely to wear or break the ends of the cables because it has a place to wind them under the inductor base and because of the wireless connection. However, in case of breakage, it would be quickly repaired by technicians in the company.
Components 01, 02 and 03
// Biological Cycle: The bamboo pieces, as they are varnished and joined with natural glue, can be safely absorbed by nature, feeding the biosphere with its nutrients.

Electronic components
// Maintenance/Extension Cycle: In case of malfunction of electronic items, the inductor base can be opened for replacement of components by technicians in the company.

// Recycling Cycle: Reverse logistics, electronic components return to the company, are separated and recycled to originate new electronic products or products from other industries.

Component 05
// Recycling Cycle: Through reverse logistics, the green polyethylene coating and electronic components return to the company, are separated and recycled to originate new electronic products or products from other industries.

All components
// Reuse/Redistribution Cycle: The charger, with all parts, is compatible with several cell phone models, so the use can be shared, for example, by the family.

A) User: In order to inform about the steps to use and dispose of the products correctly, a manual for the use and return of the parts can be formulated.
For this product, the manual should educate the consumer by presenting, for example, the following information:
• To store or transport the charger, the cable must be wrapped securely around the lower part with a specific cut;
• The charger, with all parts, is compatible with several cell phone models, so the use can be shared, for example, by the family;
• If the charger is still working and, for some reason, the user wants to get rid of it, it must return to the company for resale;
• In case of malfunction, the product must be returned to the company at one of the collection points for repair or replacement of parts;
• At the end of the product's life, nothing goes to waste: bamboo parts that must be disposed of in the environment to be decomposed by nature; cable, connector and electronics must be returned to the company for separation and recycling.

B) Collection points: A good number of collection points should be planned to meet the return of parts.

C) Material traceability: In Europe, the traceability of materials through nanotechnology has been studied. While it's not applied, it's possible to look for other ways of tracking. One option is QR code technology that can be applied to parts, easily scanned and lead to a product database on materials and their composition.

D) Packaging: Products purchased at the physical store, for example, don't need packaging. When they are needed for transport, as they are disposed of quickly after purchase, options made from natural elements could be considered.

As criteria for evaluating the circularity of the cell phone charger we can list:

Hypothesis 1: The product is having a positive impact on the ecosystem.
Evidence: A large amount of raw material is being recovered and, consequently, is no longer extracted from nature.
How to prove: Calculate/weigh the amount of raw material being recovered to measure the impact.

Hypothesis 2: In cases of malfunction, the user is not putting the product in the trash, but returning to the collection points for repair.
Evidence: Collection points are receiving maintenance returns.
How to prove: Count the amount of returns and their reasons at the collection points.

Hypothesis 3: The user is recommending the artifact.
Evidence: People are looking for the product on the advice of others.
How to prove: Carry out a market research evaluating how the user learned about the product.

Hypothesis 4: The product is easy to disassemble.
Evidence: At the factory, products are disassembled quickly and without difficulty.
How to prove: Calculate the amount of products that can be disassembled per hour and ask employees about the ease and difficulties of the process.

Hypothesis 5: The user does not mind purchasing the product without the packaging in the store.
Evidence: People shop at the store, are informed about the elimination of the packaging concept, understand and support the idea.
How to prove: Conduct market research evaluating the user's opinion on this issue.

Induction cell phone charger


Induction cell phone charger
