An installation designed in my second year at University, that tracks the movement of a blue light source and displays this on screen or on a projected wall in front of the user. Written in Max/MSP and Jitter.

The user is given a blue light, either a glow stick or some kind of blue LED light. They can then move it around and draw in the air and this movement will be tracked by the program and displayed on screen.
The tracked movement is displayed as a blue rounded square that fades off in colour as it trails around the screen.

This tracked image is then layered over a background that is a layered up copy of the original footage and the tracked movement distorted and glitching. 
Users without knowing are also controlling the background through their movement too, although it looks as if they are only in control of the square that is moving around.
Background colour derives from the original tracked footage although this is brightened and distorted to give it the glitch aesthetic. 
When there is no blue colour being detected from the light source, the screen will switch to a static screen of blue and red noise on a black background. 


An interactive installation designed for a club environment, where it tracks the movement of a blue light source and displays this on screen or o Read More
