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Silhouettes 2 — Mental Health Illustrations.

A mental health project. 

If you missed it, the first part of the project "Silhouette" about mental health destigmatisation is published just here. I decided to show you three more drawings about : post-traumatic syndrom disorder ; borderline personnality disorder ; and finally, dissociative identity disorder. By the way, are you concerned by mental illness ? Do you fight against psychophobic ideas ? Let me know in the comment, and which drawing is the most accurate for you. Once again, I explain those illnes and personality disorder to you, in order to know a bit more what they really are. 
Post-traumatic stress syndrome  (PTSD)
PTSD isn't simply « being afraid », it's a real and deep trauma. It can be a person who is the victim / the one concerned about the trauma, but it can also be and indiret feeling, someone who was an observer of a dramatic and awful act, or accident, etc. It can also be because of a tragic event which occured to a relative. Some well-known event which creates a PTSD are : war, abuse, or  less known, a natural disaster. The symptoms are : a degradation of memory and mood. The most frequents are the feeling of living again the trauma with sounds reminding the tragic event, flash-backs, nightmares, …
Dissociative identity disorder (DID)
DID is absolutely not being a freak ! I have heard so many times people saying « you have multiple personnalities » when someone's mood or mind is changing, which is psychophobic. DID is about at least 2 alters (identities) whho alternates. Those alters, who can be more than 2, are not imperatively humans. There are « non-humans alters », and it can be animals, spiritual individuals like angels, or even transfer objects as a cuddly toywhich reminds the childhood (and it is often here that the personnality split in more than one in order to protect the main personnality, the host.) In the drawing, you can see 4 alters with roles assigned to them : a protector, the defender, the host, the child broken (the one of the trauma)​​​​​​​

Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
Oh my, I know it too well because I am concerned about it. Here, I decided to depict a child who is, again, broken (often it is due to a trauma during the childhood), with those puzzles pieces falling apart. The adult has a hole in the chest, because chronic numbess is a huge thing in this personnality disorder, it is one of the main feeling. The mood swings a lot, there is an mood instability close to bipolar disorder, which explains why those two are often mistaken. Another thing really important with BPD is the fear of abondment. There are self-destructive behaviors are drugs or alcohol, self-harming, fast driving and irresponsible sex. There can be some dissociative episodes, as other's images can deluded oneself by becoming a « favorite person », with after, due to a negligeable act, creating an important disappointment.

Silhouettes 2 — Mental Health Illustrations.

Silhouettes 2 — Mental Health Illustrations.


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