Chris Seddon's profile

Parkinsons UK Charity Walk

Parkinsons UK Sponsored Walk
Sunday 10th April 2011 - Calke Abbey, Derbyshire
A few years ago my Dad was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease. Since then, he's become increasingly involved in local groups and the Parkinsons UK charity. The latest event, was this sponsored walk around Calke Abbey. Over 300 people turned up on this sunny Sunday morning. We couldn't have asked for better weather for the walk. I, on the other hand, could have probably asked for better weather for taking photos! :-) Strong sunlight made for constant adjusting of settings on my part!

Anyway, here's a few of the photos from the day.
Parkinsons UK Charity Walk

Parkinsons UK Charity Walk

Photographs of a sponsored walk I took part in to help raise money for the Parkinsons UK charity. They asked me if I'd mind taking some photos of Read More
