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Finding Light in Chaos

Today, your senses are numb. You have been fighting the numbness for far too long. You crave for some light around you. You crave for some joy. You wish to go back in time. Else to fast forward to a better time. You feel stuck. You have been living inside four walls for a long time. Both physically and mentally feeling trapped. But the most hurtful realisation is that of the loss of hope.

We all have been barely pushing through these times. Hoping the tunnel would come to an end and the darkness would be replaced with light. We have been waiting for a world where people breath fresher. People wear smiles instead of masks. People get together. Times when people can hug. Times when celebrations would not be a super spreader. Times when love and happiness is what surrounds you.

But today, I am saddened by the absence of basic human nature. The need of the hour is not just medicines and vaccination. But of care for each other, empathy for other beings, support for one another and just 'Human-ness' .

I am saddened by the sight of cruelty spread across. Violence that surrounds us. Saddened by the inhumane nature thst has heightened to such dangerous levels at such crucial times. Times where the need for empathy and care is of utmost importance. The shocking factor is not the realisation of few human beings behaving inhumanely, but that they can, to this extent, during this extremely tough times.

I personally know people who have shut themselves off from any form of media because of this extremely dangerous and heart breaking scenario that has been observed everywhere. I know friends who have been mentally shattered because of the same.

Lend a hand. Participate in positive activities. Be a good listener and never underestimate someone's pain. Help people fight these tough times. Support those who are desperate. Try and help bring together some positivity in someone's life.

Moreover, find peace within yourself. Never let go of hope. Never let the inhumane nature that you see around you get to you.

Radiate your 'Human-ness'. Radiate the light that you are.
Believe that the tunnel would end. No matter what, the light would shine.
Finding Light in Chaos

Finding Light in Chaos


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