Heritage Museum


Guadalajara is a city in Mexico surrounded by one of UNESCO MAB sites, “Bosque de la Primavera” which has been in real danger of becoming harmed by wildfires. This ecosystem has a diversity of historical sites, towns, archeological surroundings and is also rich in different kinds of ecosystems.

I found this site inspiringly and the need to preserve this ecosystem is by trying that citizens get involved in activities around historical sites and folklore. The towns that surround this forest had developed many cultural sites that now can help us preserve and protect the ecosystem. By showing the richness of the surroundings people can develop a network to protect this sites.
the richness in biodiversity is also one of the main benefits of the region. This ecosystem is developed in the west region of Mexico, near one of the greatest lakes of Mexico. Surrounded by diverse and different ecosystems these ecosystems are linked by aúna corridors and are one of the main routes of migration by large animals as the jaguar and deers.

Ancient inhabitants realized the richness of the site and the benefit se of this forest and ecosystems. They developed ancient sacred sites that now time has hide for us. Archeologists have recovered this sites, pyramids, ancient sightseeing sites and stone craving sites. Be being isolated this sites can be in danger. So our purpose was to connect a network of multiple towns to this ancient sites and ecological attractions for people, while developing economically the sites.


While there’s enough historical sites, they are unconnected to their surroundis, isolated from towns they really on being discovered and visited. The importance of connecting them is to protect them from being lost and destroyed. We proposed different approaches to avoid them from being lost.
Routes and connections can enhance them to be visited, while creating a rich network of connections for inhabitants and ecological tourism, while providing them with basic economic schemes so local autorities can protect them and promote cultural events in these locations. The towns inside the “Bosque de la Primavera“ buffer zone are rich cultural sites

Heritage Museum


Heritage Museum
