Did you feel that life slowed down ? Maybe even stopped .

Looking back at the last few months of 2019, even when the first cases arose in China. Did anyone expect it to affect the world to such extent ? Did we bother to be prepared that 2020 would have to be erased from our calendar ? 

For everyone, progress took a backseat and survival became first instinct. People lost livelihoods and some lost their life.

Like the picture. Life for everyone stopped. 

We had no direction, we had no idea , the world was chaotic , it had become unpredictable and everything came to a hault. 

Have you imagined the reason why we felt so was because of the speed with which we were running forward. Everyone was competing to win. Everyone wanted to ace every field. Wanted to find the spotlight and become success stories for the world to look upto.

But.. Nature intervened. It decided to slow us down. To help us observe  everything around , to make changes before moving forward. To help us correct our mistakes and help us find a better route ahead. 

The pause in our lives has indeed made differences. I have observed more art in the world. People helping others more. People bringing light to change in the environment. People going back to gardening and cooking. People living a much more peaceful lifestyle compared to their fast moving ones. People spending time with family . 

It would be unjust on my part if I ignore the ones that were negatively affected by this pandemic. Those who lost their family. Those who lost their livelihoods . Those who have been mentally disturbed . Those who went through the worst because of being infected. My prayers and support for all those people. 

Hoping that this stillness in life that I have tried to convey through this image helps you in positive manner. Hoping that you also sit back and observe the pause that 2020 has thrown at us. 

In the last couple of months of 2020. I hope this positively inspires you.

Peaceful and positive all through. Hoping everyone is safe . 

Find hope. 



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