The anger flames from the recent gang rape of two fourteen-year-old girls in the state of Goa, India. Below is the expression of my rage over the statement,"When 14-year-old children stay on the beach the whole night, the parents need to introspect. Just because children don't listen, we cannot put the responsibility on the government and police,” by Pramod Sawant, Chief Minister of Goa.
Goddesses Sleep
Ye women,
Why aren’t your hands tied
Why are you walking with that head high 
Ye women,
Bare backs, red stilettos, eventide
Don’t walk to the shore with those thick thighs
Ye women,
Fourteen and mean?
Just, smile, moan, cry ,sigh

Ye women,
Big mouths, sentimental blather 
Men conquered space, earth, fire , wind and water

Ye men, Ye fool,
Dressed in flowers 
Led by wind
Bare backs, bare breasts will sing

Aye men
You will run to the scowling forest
Barge in and it will catch fire
Your egregious deeds will smoulder 
Your arrogance under pyres

Aye men
Howl, wail, scream, shriek
Unthinking of your insistent calls
Goddesses sleep.
                                 - Kanishka 
Goddesses Sleep


Goddesses Sleep
