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Eddie Kone Sco19 | Self Defense using Jiu jitsu?

Eddie Kone Sco19 said the training method is the same as in wrestling but instead of trying to block people and wrestle with each person a bit more, the wrestling practice is designed to end the enemy with submission attempts. The students - train in uniform (kimono and gi - dos) and learn captures, attacks, throws, escapes, ground position, and many other strategies. They learn the practical, the real, and the real. 
When newcomers come to the BJJ, they don't know much about technology, so they try to compensate by using their strength to fly over the mat. Bodybuilding techniques are also a major strength when it comes to BJJ. The job of a BJJ trainer is to escape and subdue the attacker, regardless of his size. 
It is about using leverage and special techniques that allow you to use body weight and the size of the other person so you can escape safely. By bringing someone to the ground, one limits the possibilities of explosive movements and eliminates the dangerous aspects of the struggle. In most cases, you can lift an oversized attacker in self-defense and throw him to the ground without relying on the takedown techniques you learned in class.
Eddie Kone Sco19 | Self Defense using Jiu jitsu?


Eddie Kone Sco19 | Self Defense using Jiu jitsu?


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