The Glow of Gold
(A first early morning hint of a factory at work)
The Temple
Once Pristine
Nature's Art
(The River 20 miles upstream )
This is an early morning photo-shoot of a plywood and wood-pulp plant located on a pristine, wild and scenic river in Idaho.  I am really not sure if the plant pollutes the river, but I do know that the plant requires a lot of water to operate, and that there are gigantic pools of water around the plant that emit a horrendous smell.  I felt very nauseous and nearly threw up after getting near one.   I am not against the things that are necessary to sustain life, but I am against the pollution and destruction of our Home.  It is our responsiblility to protect and care for Earth.  One of the reasons I photograph Nature is to emphasy and make aware to others the awesome beauty and precious gift of this Planet.  Please consider the choices that you make in Life and the businesses that you support.  Thank you for looking.
Pollution as Art

Pollution as Art

A plywood and wood pulp plant located in Idaho on a pristine, wild and scenic river.


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