Jeralyn Staples's profile

Project 3: PSA Posters

Project Summary:
This project is a personal twist on PSA Posters related to Ocean Pollution, specifically with plastic. It is not uncommon to see PSA Posters in almost every city, encouraging awareness of change that needs to take place within our societies and daily living. I chose to go the direction of Ocean Pollution with plastic because I believe that in our consumer society we have become lax in our acknowledgement and responsibility to dispose of our plastic waste in a way that does not harm our world. We only have one planet, there won't be any do-overs if we continue to use our oceans as our personal garbage disposal. 
PSA_Poster 1: 
This poster design is meant to share about the influence of plastic pollution in oceans through the card game commonly known as, "Go Fish." The undertone message is that the overwhelming increase of plastics in the ocean is impacting the marine life negatively and decreasing all the animal populations that are linked to the ocean in the food chain. The scary reality is that the food chain has become compromised by plastics, as organisms big and small are consuming plastics after mistaking them for food. Everyone's health is influenced by this, whether we are seafood lovers or not because our water is also being impacted. 

PSA_Poster 2:
Summarized, the message of this poster is that with the direction our oceans are going right now, we will certainly see the extinction and disappearance of many marine species. It is a domino effect because when one specifies disappears, the whole food chain is impacted. It is sad knowing that the relocated marine life in aquariums and other animal reserves have cleaner water than those still in the wild. If the human society cannot learn to be more responsible in our plastic disposal or find a more eco-friendly solution, the ocean will continue to slowly die. 
PSA_Poster 3:
The reality of this truth is that just because things are out of sight and out of mind does not mean that our plastic pollution is not dangerous. This domino effect that we've started as humans has consequences that will one day catch up to us and leave the world an utter wasteland both on land and at sea. However, it is never too early for us as a society to start looking at the signs and responding appropriately. The abnormalities in marine life behavior can act as a sign for where we can start our help and improvement. 
Project 3: PSA Posters

Project 3: PSA Posters
