Magazine Tittle Selection
Title selection is the first step to create a magazine. First, find the idea and select the title of your ideal magazine that you want to produce.
Masthead Selection
Masthead is the title of your magazine. Its important as this will determine the whole work of the magazine process and the final project. One of the titles will be the title of the magazine.
Front Cover Design
Front page is the cover for the magazine. People will look at it and judge whether to buy or not.
Double Spread Design
Double spread uses two pages and can be made as info or ads depending on the design. The information above is a double spread, that is it shows the picture on the left and the info of the picture on the right.
Info Design
Info is where the main story and the main reason the magazine exists. The info is related to the magazine. It should be made neatly and beautifully so as to make it easier for the reader to understand what is being read.
Ads design
Advertising are to promote products, brands and so on. Especially in relation to magazine of choice to buyers. Ads are often easy to grab people’s attention even from a far distance.
Poster Design
Posters are made to promote the magazine to the public. To get more recognition, promote in the internet for example, Instagram and Facebook with large numbers of followers. This will be the information where they can get the magazine.
Magazine Front Cover Design
Magazine Double Spread Design
Magazine Info - Info
Magazine Info - Ads
Magazine Ads - Info
Magazine Ads - Ads
Magazine Poster

