Terezin city map
Tourist map for visitors to the city, enabling a clear orientation in regular street networks. The marked buildings are divided into tourist destinations and civic amenities. See the back of the map for more information. Current maps of this city do not show the real state of the fortress. Therefore, it was necessary to create an up-to-date map for easier orientation in such a rare unique city with a rich history.
Terezin Fortress, a vast military complex with a perimeter of over 12 miles (20 kilometers), guards the confluence of the Elbe and Eger rivers in the northwest Czech Republic. Terezin was constructed between 1780 and 1790 at the order of Hapsburg Emperor Joseph II. General Karl Clemens Pellegrini designed the baroque fortress town and surrounded it with bastion-type fortifications. Terezin has three major sections: the main fortress, a smaller fortress, and the brick entrenchments on either side. Later in the 19th century it served as a prison.
Author's illustrations of important places that have a characteristic shape.
Photos by Jiří Dvořák, Faculty of Art and Design in Ústí nad Labem
Terezin city map

Terezin city map


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