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Above is a conglomerate image showing some variations of the  9 Challenge Designs for the IceCream Festival Design Project hosted by Julia Masalska for Adobe Illustrator Creative Challenge 
Challenge 1: Logo Design
Design a Typographic logo for an IceCream Brand using Type On a Path Tool.
Challenge 2: Poster Design
Design a poster for an IceCream Festival using the Pathfinder tool to edit Shapes and Paths.
Challenge 3: Packaging Design
Design the packaging for an IceCream using Clipping Masks to play with objects and space.
Challenge 4: Wristbands
Design the wristband for entrance into an open-air movie theater using Stylized Effects like Drop Shadow.
Challenge 5: 
Design a Decal for an IceCream Truck using the Pencil tool to create freeform shapes.
Challenge 6: Menu Design
Design a Food Truck menu using Rulers and Guides to create the layout.
Challenge 7: Label Design
Design a Label for a summer drink. Add fun-inspired colors using the different Gradient Tools.
Challenge 8: Billboard Design
Design a Billboard for an IceCream Brand using the Eyedropper Tool to experiment with colors.
Challenge 9: Food Packaging
Design a Take-out Bag for a Food Tuck using effects like the Radial Repeat tool. 
Creative Challenge


A Project comprising 9 Challenges representing different aspects of an Ice Cream Festival


Creative Fields